"Puifai want to help but papa..... Papa didn't love daddy anymore. Papa said that papa hate daddy but papa tell Puifai not to hate daddy because daddy used to love Puifai before."

"Papa also hate my brothers at first. Now papa can accept them but papa said to us that papa can't accept daddy anymore." Mew was stunned for a few seconds.

He pulled himself slowly from Puifai's hug. "P-Papa hate daddy and didn't love daddy anymore?" Puifai nodded.

"Papa only love Puifai and my brothers."

"Brothers?" Puifai nodded again.

"Yes daddy. They're still inside papa's tummy and papa will talk with us everyday at night before he sleep." Mew was shocked to hear that.

"Brothers? Twins? Are you trying to said that papa's pregnant?"

"Yes daddy and my brothers are so cute just like daddy and papa." she said excitedly but it's gone when she heard his daddy sighed.

"D-Daddy, are you okay? Do you..... Do you hate my brothers too like you hate Puifai? If so, we are sorry and Puifai promised Puifai won't meet with daddy anymore after this."

"No Puifai, daddy didn't hate you or your brothers. All of you are my child, my flesh blood. Daddy is sad because daddy can't protect and take care of your papa." The little one smiled.

"Don't worry daddy, papa is a strong person. My time has finished. Puifai will come and meet with you again another time naa daddy. Puifai love daddy." she disappeared just like Gulf and Mew's awoke from his sleep.

"Sooooo, it's just a dream. But it feels so real. But what if Gulf really leave me? I can't imagine my life without him. Please don't leave me Gulf, baby." Mew cried and suddenly he remembered about his conversations with Puifai.

"What did she mean by 'Papa didn't love daddy anymore. Papa said papa hate daddy.' Did Gulf fall out of love for me? Did Gulf really hate me? No no no, my baby can't fall out of love for me and he can't hate me."

"He said he can't live without me and he also said he can't bear if I leave him but now he's the one who's leaving me." Mew cried and cried until he fell asleep again.

The next morning, he and Singto went to the hotel for their next meeting session. After meeting from morning till 5pm, they decided to take a walk at the nearest mall.

While walking around the mall, all of a sudden Mew spotted a shop selling baby clothes and he remembered Puifai's words in his dream yesterday.

"Brothers? Is it true that Gulf's pregnant with twins but how? I always wear a protection when I have sex with him."

"Shitttttt! That night, I'm drunk and I fucked him raw! God, what have I done? If he's really pregnant with my twins, I'm soooo stupid because I can't protect him and take care of him during his pregnancy stage and it is also the answer why I like to eat spicy foods alot."

Mew was lost in his thought when Singto poked him. "Why are you still here? I already walk to the front but when I turned back, you're here. What are you looking at?" asked Singto.

Mew pointed his finger at the stop selling the baby clothes and Singto take a looked at it. "Baby clothes shop?" Mew nodded.

"I had a dream last night. My girl came to see me and she said that Gulf's pregnant with twins. I will be the most happiest daddy if it's true but it was just a dream. But still, I can feel like it's a real dream to me." Mew looked at Singto and he bursted in tears.

"Heyyy Mew, stop now. I know you're broken but please don't cry. I can't see my best friend crying. Let's pray for Gulf to came back to you." Singto patted Mew's shoulder.

"Dear God, please let them reunite even though it's just for a while." prayed Singto in his heart.

Thank you for patiently waiting for my updates, I really appreciate it 😘
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Lots of love from me for you 💕💕💕💕💕

I'm republishing MSE and OCLS again due to some reasons regarding wattpad ..
I didn't remove any extra chapters in MSE ..
Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for still supporting me ..

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