40 - Ghost House

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Jungkook's POV

I was so tired and disappointed when we got back where the hyungs are.

Jinyoung hyung patted my shoulder and whispered

"We will do everything to get Jindae back but for now, your kids needed you"

By that, I lifted my head and saw our two children waiting for us

I slowly kneeled down and opened my arms by that, they both ran to me as I gave the both of them a hug

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that I am your Dad. I'm sorry I wasn't with you at the times you needed me. I'm so sorry, I failed to get mommy back but I promise that I will find mommy. We will begin a new life and a complete family with mommy" I cried at them

"No daddy, don't be sorry. We understand everything and this is the time that we needed you the most. Thank You Daddy" Junhye wiped my tears away before giving me a peck

"Just promise us daddy that you will get mommy back from Somin noona and you will not hide your relationship with mommy from your fans again... That's what will make mommy happy" Justin added and I nodded

"I Promise that. But for now, we have to bring you to the hospital to make sure you guys are fine and let's call Imo and halmeoni" I stated.

I carefully carried the both of them inside Jinyoung hyung's car.

"Hyung, bring them to the hospital for me please" I told Jinyoung hyung

"What? You're not coming?" He asked me back

"You're not joining us, daddy?", Justin pouted

"I'll be at the other car. I'll see you at the hospital, don't worry" I assured them as I put their seatbelts on

"Jungkook?" Jinyoung hyung worriedly called me

I went to the driver's seat where hyung is, to talk to him

"Hyung, I am hurt and disappointed that I didn't get to save Jindae. I am hurt and wanna cry but I can't let my children see that because they need me. They will feel what I feel, I just want to express what I feel even just for a moment. Just this time hyung, I'll be at the hospital when I'm ready" I whispered at him and tears slowly fell down

He went out of his car and hugged me

"Jindae is tough, she will fight for you and your kids. Thank you for thinking about their feelings. I understand what you feel right now." He told me as I only nodded

Jindae's POV

I finally went back to my consciousness and my body feels really sore.

I tried to lift myself up so that I can sit on the floor but I got scared when I see blood on my shirt.

"Shit, what's this?" I whispered to myself

I looked around and I realized that I am now inside a room. There is a window but they sealed it with woods and nails.

I tried to stand up but I can't

"Did she beat me up while I'm unconscious? She's mentally sick!" I exclaimed

My body hurts and it's difficult to move that's why I just stared at my hands and started to cry.

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