20- Promise

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After few days of staying at the hospital, finally we can bring the babies home.

Jindae didn't know that her mom came to give her a surprise for the twins.

Jaena already asked her sister why did she named them Justin and Junhye and she told us that Justin because it was the name Jungkook used one time when he went abroad and Junhye, Jun from JUNgkook's name and Hye, she just want it.

"Aww~ Junhye-ie, please stop crying" Jindae's currently trying to calm her crying little Princess

"Maybe she's hungry" I told her while getting her things out of the car and her sister's carrying Justin

She've been really honest that she's nervous. She told us that she's not sure if she can be a good mother to her twins.

Jaena and I are nervous too as we promised to help her but we also don't know anything yet about being parents.

"SURPRISE!!" A lot of people shouted right when I opened the door and they laughed at me when I almost cursed

"Woah, what's this?" Jindae asked, also shocked

"CONGRATULATIONS!" they once again shouted

"Oh. Junhye-ie stopped crying!" Jaena noticed

"Oh! She did stopped!" I stated with amusement

"Oh, I guess she love to entertain their visitors" Jindae smiled as she finally entered her house

"Ohh they're so cute"

"Look at them smiling"

"They have a very pretty eyes"

And many more comments for the twins.

It's so loud inside the house. Mom definitely invited a lot of their close friends. The ones that they can trust the most. My family's also here because they are already close with Jaena's family.

I also saw Jindae's Dad with his new wife and their daughter talking with Mommy Ara. They look fine. I guess they already finished their relationship, peacefully.

I was getting drinks for Jaena when I bumped into a girl

"Ouch!" She complained

"Oh, sor–" I was about to apologize but I stopped when I saw who I bumped in

"IT'S YOU!" we both shouted

"MEAN-IE MOUSE!" I told her

"STUPID TOWER!" She shouted back and we were about to pull each other's hair when Jaena came

"Yeobo~ what's happening here? Who is she?" Jaena asked

"Oh, hi! I'm Sheena. I guess you're Jindae's sister?" She told to my fiancé

"Yes, I am. And who are you?", Jaena weirdly asked as she look at me and the Sheena.

"Oh. She's Sheena. Jindae's ugly maid" I joked to diss her

"I'M NOT HER MAID! HOW DARE YOU!" She shouted and hit me as I glared at her

"I am Jindae's friend since High School. You may thought weird when you saw me really pissed with your fiancé but, I really can't believe that he got a fiancé, he is stupid" she told Jaena

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