16- Sorry

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Jindae's POV

It's been a month after the incident. Everything went fine, as well as my baby.

My tummy is now starting to grow. My house is already done. I am somehow happy.

Sometimes, I cry because I am still thinking about Jungkook.

I am thinking if I can be a good mother to my child.

I feel sad for my baby that he or she has to grow up without dad.

But I can't just ruin Jungkook's career.

I have to do this.

I will make sure that my baby will grow up right.

"Jindae, are you now ready?" My mom asked as she entered my room in my own house

"Yes mom" I smiled

"Jindae, you know... You don't have to do this" Jinyoung oppa interrupted

"Why? I have to oppa" I told him

"Your house is already done. We're all here to help you. Why do you still have to leave Korea again?" He worriedly asked

"Oppa... This is what I need to do" I sighed

"You need to do? Why? Because you're scared that Jungkook might know that you are pregnant by him?" He stated as my tears fell

"Oppa, this is my decision. I want to do this, because I love my child. Our child. And I love Jungkook enough that I will have to do this for him" I stated and they just all nodded

"But don't you think you have to let him know?" Dawon unnie asked

Dawon unnie is also here. She always visit me with fruits. She said, she also wants to take care of me.

That's why I am so thankful.

"I-I want to unnie but... I can't. They have concert and I'm scared that fans might see us again" I sighed

"Jinyoung-ah... You put her things in your car... She has to talk to Jungkook before she leave. We'll meet you in the airport. I'll take care of her, I promise" Dawon unnie told him as she grab my hand

"Wait. Unnie, why?" I asked

"Jung Hoseok is my brother. I have privilege to enter back stage without everyone knowing. Just trust me" she answered

"What? You're Jhope's sister?" I asked in surprise

"Yes. Now, we have to go" she finally said and pulled me out of my house

As she was driving, I saw her contacting someone but I think no one answers


Ya, Hoba!

We're coming there, someone has to talk to all of you

I heard unnie stated. Hoba, I think it's Jhope.

"What? Unnie, just to Jungkook right? Why do I have to talk to all of them?" i asked

"I know they want to talk to you too" she told me as she winked

As we got to their location, I started to get nervous. I don't know if I can do this.

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