31- Kissed

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It been a week and the Boys have already started designing their clothes. I haven't visited them during session because I don't feel like I can see Jungkook yet, but I make sure to always talk with my staff and the designers that were with them during their sessions.

Just making sure that I know every detail that they were planning and that will happen for the items.

It's going to be their last day for making the outfits and according to the designer, they already prepared the samples for everyone to see and that means, I have to go look at those with them.

I am currently inside my office because my twins are also having their photoshoot in the Hall which is just right beside the room where the boys are doing their things.

They are doing indoor shoots today and Dawon unnie requested to do it here in our building since we have a wide hall, enough for them to do anything, and I agreed with it.

At least, I can do work while they're on shoot.

"Ms. Do, can you check if Big Hit's already at the Conference room please" I told my secretary and she went to check it

I was just checking my appointments for this week and rereading the contract we've signed together with Big Hit, just checking the dates and if I put the right count of years to be working them.

"The contract is for three years, so as much as possible, we have to release something every after 6 months. They've done attires and shoes right now so next time we should do accessories" I told myself as I write it on my notebook so that I can't forget about it

"Ma'am, they are already inside the Conference Room checking the sample of the clothes" Ms. Do, my secretary informed me

"Okay, please tell them I'll be there in a minute. I just have to check some things. Thank you" I told her again and she nodded

I fixed the paper on my table before deciding to go out.

I walked straight to the hall first where Dawon unnie prepared the designs for the the photoshoot of the kids

"How's my kids doing?" I half shouted right when I entered the hall

"They're doing good as usual. We're already done with the first outfit and they're currently getting ready for the second one" the photographer answered

"Do you need Dawon? She's out there, preparing the props" she told me and I smiled at her and just walked to Unnie

"Unnie, you look pretty" I stated and she smiled at me

"What brought you here, I thought you're going to meet Big Hit people?" She asked

"Yeah. I just came here to check you guys and to inform you that they are in Conference room just right beside this Hall" I told her ang her eyes automatically went wide

"If you want to meet Hobi oppa, just text me. I have to go, please take care of my kids" I told her before kissing her cheeks and went out of the Hall

I checked and fixed myself first before entering the conference room.

"Good Morning! I'm sorry I am late, I have to do some papers first and our building is a little bit busier today" I greeted and they all smiled at me

"It's okay Ms. Ross, we not on rush" Bang-Pd told me as he gave me hug

"Just call me Jindae, Pd-nim" I told him

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