19- Surname

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After knowing about my babies's situation, my sister and Jinyoung oppa decided to stay here with me until I give birth while my Mom and Dawon unnie flew back to Korea for work and businesses.

The couple have been taking care of me very well but sometimes annoying. Unnie wants me to have a bed rest until I give birth. I understand why and just like them, I also want my twins to be safe but they are seriously paranoid.

They won't let me make a single move. They are alternately looking at me.

Whenever I feel thirsty, they would give me a glass of water with straw on it right away.

I always eat my meals and snacks on my bed.

Everything I eat were organic fruits and veggies.

My only exercise is walking inside my room and at the veranda for the good sunlight.

My sister would also check the water temperature before I take a shower.

"Unnie, I'm fine. I can do it" I told her as she's fixing my bed for me to sit properly for my breakfast.

"Jindae, it's already your month. You can't blame us to be more extra careful with you" Jinyoung oppa answered

"I know. But sitting up won't hurt me. It's not even a hard thing" I assured them but they just sighed

"By the way, do you want to stay here after giving birth or you'll use the babies' room?" Unnie asked me

I am currently sleeping at the guest room downstairs because it's already hard for me to take a step in the stairs. And also, it's more easy for us to go out in case I give birth.

"I'll use my room upstairs. Can oppa move their crib in my room?" I asked and he just nodded

"Eat your breakfast then and finish your milk before going out for air and sunlight" unnie told me before she went out of the room

I think, she went to help her crazy fiancé fix my room. They disinfected the babies' things and our rooms two days ago. They are that worried.

And I won't deny, I am more worried. I have been reading a book on how to take care of babies with congenital heart defect and I've learned that they are really sensitive to bacterias.

Am I able to take care of them?

After eating I decided to go out in our backyard instead in our veranda to inhale more fresh air

"Ya! Kim Jindae?! What are you doing there?! How did you went there?! Why didn't you called us?! Zzasik! (Brat kid)" Jinyoung oppa shouted in the veranda of the babies's room as my sister looked down

"Ya!" She shouted and they both ran out of the house

"Why did you come out here?!" They both shouted at me

"Chill. Relax okay?! I just want to have more access to fresh air and sunlight. I just took a few steps" I told them but they are still glaring at me

"Why didn't you called us then?!" unnie asked

"I don't want to bother you and I know, both of you are already tired. And I'm fine unnie, why would I do something stupid that might hurt my twins?" I stated to assure them as they only sighed

"We know you won't, what we're worrying are the accidents. What if you slipped or tripped?" Jinyoung oppa told me

"Okay... I'm sorry. Next time, I'll call you" I smiled to ease their worries

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