The Team - Chapter 7

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Aria was sitting on the couch in the middle of the plane across from three strangers, Agent May, and Agent Coulson. At least she thought it was a plane, they kept calling it a bus though. Mac and Cheese sat untouched in front of her. She didn't have much of an appetite. 

"Everyone, this is Ariadne," Agent Coulson introduced. 

"Just Aria is fine," she told them. The blonde woman smiled at her. 

"I'm Simmons," she said. "Biochem." She was pretty, and seemed to be very smart and kind. 

"I'm Fitz, engineering," the guy sitting next to her said. He had a mop of curly brown hair and a friendly smile. 

"Agent Ward. I'm a specialist," the last guy introduced. He had dark hair and eyes, and looked kind of intimidating. 

Aria acknowledged all of these introductions with a slightly forced smile. She really didn't want to socialize right now. 

"Skye, our consultant, is currently in the med pod but we can bring you down later on so you can meet her," Agent Coulson told her. "You already know Agent May and me."

Aria nodded. She mechanically brought a small spoonful of the pasta towards her mouth. The silence was beyond awkward. 

Simmons attempted some conversation. "So, Aria, what do you like to do for fun?" 

Aria swallowed her pasta. "I like music," she offered. "I play the violin, and piano, and I sing."

Agent Coulson's face lit up. "Agent May plays the piano too!" Agent May gave him a terrifying glare that gave Aria shivers. Across from her, Fitz and Simmons exchanged surprised glances. Then they went back to looking at her expectantly, apparently wanting her to share more of her hobbies. 

"I also like biology and physics," she said. "I want to be a surgeon when I grow up." At this, Fitz visibly paled, while Simmons leaned forward with a huge smile. 

"Surgery?" They said in sync, one in a voice that portrayed something that was almost like fear while the other was as excited as one could possibly be. 

"Fitz here doesn't like blood and guts," Simmons explained. Fitz gave a weak smile. Agent Coulson hid a grin, while the other two agents still were as stoic as ever. It was scary how they could do that, Aria thought. However, as friendly as Fitz and Simmons were being, all she wanted to do was go home. So she voiced her thoughts to Agent Coulson, who seemed to be the boss there.  

"Agent Coulson, when can I go home?" she asked him. 


Oh no, thought Aria. Silence was usually never a good thing.

"Well, Aria," Coulson started hesitantly, "The thing is, you don't exactly know how to control your powers yet."

Aria took that to mean she couldn't go home. "Okay, so what happens to me, then?" she asked. Her acceptance of the situation surprised everyone, even herself. Aria guessed that after finding out that her mum died, and getting shot and kidnapped by a secret governmental organization, nothing could really surprise her anymore. 

"We were wondering if you'd like to stay with us," Coulson said. "Fitz-Simmons are the brightest minds of their generation, and could help you learn more about your powers." And we have the tools to contain you and your powers if something happens, he was about to add, but he didn't want to scare her. 

Aria, who was more perceptive than people gave her credit for, knew that just meant they were scared of her powers and would rather keep an eye on her, but she honestly didn't have very many options at the moment. Plus, although these agents were super intimidating, they seemed fairly nice. So, Aria schooled her face into something mimicking confidence and gave a nod.

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