He started walking towards the front of the hotel and I knew that meant that we'd run into more fans. "You want to leave out of the front door?"

"Yeah! We made sure that we met every fan and the security had to clear them so there shouldn't be anyone there anymore." I nodded as we walked out the quiet front door. I was a little surprised that they were able to clear all the fans.

My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since five and I wasn't hungry during the concert so I didn't eat then. I hated when my stomach growled loudly because I just felt embarrassed about it.

I wanted to eat something, but the boys ate during the One Direction boy's set because they had seen it more than twenty times already. I figured that Cal probably wasn't hungry and I hated being the only one eating when I was with other people.

"Let's get a bite to eat. I'm starving." Calum suggested, but I knew he was just saying he was hungry because he knew I was.

"Are you really?"

"I'm a teenage boy. I'm always hungry Pey."

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Somewhere that isn't too crowded so it can be quick. I'm not supposed to be out right now. They told us to go straight to bed because we were going to be leaving early tomorrow." He admitted.

"Are you serious? Are we going to get in trouble for this?"

"Shhhh," Calum calmed me down. "Don't worry about it. Liz doesn't care." I stared at him for a good minute trying to read his face and see if he's telling the truth, but I couldn't tell. I gave up and continued to walk with him. "Let's walk towards the beach. There are a bunch of cute little places down there."

I followed him towards the beach. As we got closer and closer, more places seemed to be open. It didn't surprise me though. It was summer in Florida and it was the shoreline so I'm sure that people would stay out all night if they wanted to.

"That place smells delicious." I pointed towards a little Mexican restaurant that had people in it, but not too many.

"Mexican. You know my weakness." He joked with me before looking both ways and then dragging me across the street.

Cal and I were seated almost immediately. The wait staff was quick and we had our drinks and chips on the table in less than two minutes and already had our orders being taken care of in the kitchen.

I twirled the straw around my drink while Cal took a long sip of his. "So, what did you think of the show? First time seeing the Take Me Home tour. It's something, isn't it?"

"It was actually insane. The One Direction boys did amazing. I didn't expect them to sound that good live. I'm glad you didn't see me directly after the concert though because I had concert voice." Concert voice happened to me when I went to concerts and sang or screamed too much. I'd partially lose my voice and it would go three times higher.

"Really?" I nodded. "Damn it." He shook his head while he reached forwards, grabbing a chip from the bowl and dipping it in salsa. "What did you think about the opening band though? I think they're really good."

"They're alright. I've heard better." I winced, reaching for a chip.

"They were hot."

"I don't know. Maybe the leader singer. The bassist was so ugly though. I don't understand why any girl would have a crush on him." I playfully insulted him.

"Hey!" Calum broke character and acted offended.

"Hey!" I played dumb.

The waitress walked back with two plates of food. "Quesadillas?" I raised my hand and she placed it in front of me. "Be careful. The plate is hot." I thanked her before reaching to the middle of the table to grab my fork and knife. "Burrito for you." She placed the plate in front of Calum. "Anything else I can get you two lovebirds?"

"Lovebirds?" I raised an eye brow at her.

"Yeah! You two are the cutest couple to come in here the last few days. We all think you're adorable together." She motioned to the other waitresses around the restaurant.

"That's really sweet of you, but we aren't dating." I glanced over at Calum who was just staring at his burrito.

"Oh, now I'm embarrassed." She blushed.

"It happens all the time." I reassured her.

"Well, can I get you two anything else?" I shook my head no and Cal did the same thing.

"Thank you!" I told her as she walked away, still embarrassed. "I feel so bad."

"It happens all the time. People get over it." Calum said emotionlessly towards me as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't you feel bad at all? She was so embarrassed. I don't think I've ever seen anyone's cheeks that red." I cut my quesadilla into smaller pieces before I placed the silverware down and used my hands.

"Peyton, I feel bad. There's nothing we can do about it though. Plus, how many times do we get mistaken for a couple." He waited for me to answer but I couldn't even think of a number that would pinpoint how many times that was. "Exactly. It's not like we can do anything to fix it anyways."

"I guess you're right." I sipped my sprite.

Cal reached over the table and grabbed a piece of quesadilla and put a little pierce of his burrito on my plate. It was a common for us to share food with each other because even if we didn't say it, we knew that we wanted to try the other person's food. "Plus, we do kind of act like a couple."

"No. We act like best friends." I denied it.

"I know! I'm not saying that we are a couple but I understand why people would think so."

"But we aren't." I reminded him.

The last thing that I wanted to do was be in a relationship. I don't mind people who were in relationships or love or anything of the sorts, it's just that I don't believe in love personally. The only people who really knew about my view on love were Ashton and Anna.

It wasn't something that I really brought up with people or expressed really though. When people asked me why I was single I would tell them that I was single by choice and if I ever got asked out I would say that I wasn't really looking for a relationship.

"After this can we hit a grocery store or something? I wanna get some food for the bus."

"Sounds like a good plan to me!"

"I'll text the boys and ask them if they want us to pick up anything extra while we're at the store." Calum pulled out his phone, texted quickly and then placed it face down on the table.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora