That Wasn't so Bad, Right?

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This chapter my be written a little too messily cause I'm still getting the hang of it and writing this again, promise I'll make it up on the next chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


Well… there are at least seventeen ways this could have gone better. Literally. Like, I’m counting them right now. Seventeen possibilities and yet here we are. Yeah, well I guess the end of the fucking world can fuck things up like that. It’s already doing such a great job. I’d be a tad disappointed if it starts being nice. 

“No, we are not taking them in the group.” Jisoo’s quite adamant that this is a bad idea. More like everything right now is a bad idea, “They could… I don’t know bite us in the ass or… or… slow us down.” 

I take a quick peek at Jennie who has this blank face; and usually that means she's deep in thought right? Then there’s Chaeng who’s listening intently to what’s being discussed, and then there’s me. Don’t fucking judge, okay?  I’m the only one who seems to not be in deep thought. I mean, what’s the point of losing precious time … standing here…. When we could’ve been on our way to that safe haven by now. Plus, who wouldn’t want more people on the team?

“Well babe, think about it… They could help us, it’ll be harder to die when there’s… uh, much of us to choose from.” Chaeyoung has this habit of looking away when she feels guilty about something and for once it’s kind of refreshing this gal’s being unabashed about her opinion. Oh, and it’s also quite fun seeing her disagree with Jisoo every once and a while. 

“You do know we can hear you right?” The tallest one in their group added, giving us a dirty look. 

We weren’t really subtle you see, but what’s the use of being subtle when you know… you’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Right? Like that’s for wussies and clearly not our style. We love being open. 

“You know what? We can go our separate ways,” The shortest one of the group added “I’m not sure why we’re having this discussion in the first place when we’re wasting time here.” 

She’s smart. I'll give her that. 

But the thing is… don’t tell anyone I told you this. I think… not that anyone in my group cares about what I think right now, I know… I know… it sucks but what can I do? Anyways back to the point you’re trying to distract me from, as I was saying… I think it’ll be a good idea to have them tag along. They’ve survived long enough to get here; which could only mean one thing. THEY’RE SMART. Yup, look at their weapon selection, they clearly have this well thought out. Sure, they look like shit right now, but we do too… so. 

“I think that’s a perfect idea babe.”

Wait? What? Was I thinking out loud again? Oh… how … inconvenient. 

“What do you say?” My lovely girlfriend held her equally lovely hand out for a handshake, cause when it’s the end of the world there’s nothing quite like a handshake to seal a deal. Am I right? Or am I right? 

Irene -- if I remember the name correctly, looked hesitant. I’d be too, cause we’re basically carrying guns at this point and well… we’re still strangers to them. At least for now. 

“Alright… but no funny stuff.” she has this small soft voice that’s quite addictive (please don’t tell my girlfriend.)

“What’s wrong with funny?”

“She means no wrong moves or someth--”

“I know. I was just trying to break the ice…” Jisoo clearly likes looking out for me even though I find it annoying.

The End of the F*cking World: As Told By LisaWhere stories live. Discover now