I Make the Perfect Distraction, I guess?

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I remember starting that morning with my usual cup of hot chocolate and existential crisis… Who knew it would escalate to this? From greeting the apocalypse while serving a brief ( a day ) prison sentence, to finally realizing I’m not cut out for driving, to almost getting killed (twice, I know… how incredibly lucky right?) and now…  

“There’s probably twenty of them outside.”

“Probably Chaeng...probably. There could be more, who knows.” I’ve realized my girlfriend has developed a habit of running her fingers over the holster strapped onto her dainty waist. 

Jennie was pacing back and forth again and my eyes were too, as it followed her around. You see, all that shouting, screaming, grunts, and you know… all that chaos inside the convenience store had attracted the stupid things from what we think were within a 20 meter radius. It was a real bummer, actually. 

 “So, what’s our exit strategy?” Jisoo was breathing hard from shuffling around the empty stalls to barricade the only entrance and exit. (or there’s probably another one at the back, but irrelevant at this point)

“Our what?” Chaeng was a couple of feet away from us, look-out and all. 

“Our exit strategy… You know, how we plan to leave this place. I don't plan on sharing living, breathing space with these... “ Jisoo made it a huge point of walking over one of the things on the floor to get to her backpack. 

“Things.” I offered, they don’t deserve a fancier name to be honest. 

“Yes, thank you. These things.”

We looked around at each other. Just looking, assessing how each one’s taking it so far. Jisoo was incredibly calm, I expect nothing less. My baby was focused on thinking about exit strategies...probably. Chaeng was looking outside, maybe … wanting to drive that huge bat of hers against their faces, she’s like that when stressed. Me? I was tired… and sleepy, and wanted nothing more than a cup of hot chocolate with those little marshmallows and a huge serving of whipped cream on top. Which reminds me… The next idea that pops out of my mouth is brought to you by years of playing Left for Dead (great game, miss playing it actually) 

“I have a solution.” 

“Thank goodness.” Chaeyoung walked back over to where we were huddled, and sat unceremoniously beside Jisoo. 

“It involves fire…” I added

“Absolutely fucking not” 

“Why? You have anything better in mind Chu?”

“Why don’t we hear her out this time?” Jennie stopped with her pacing and smiled at me, uwu

“Thank you babe.”

“Uhh Lisa and fire don’t mix well together, remember second year when she almost set fire to the kitchen?”

Gee, Jisoo. Now wasn’t the time to go dig up funny anecdotes that would’ve been a great topic during camping. 

“Almost, Jisoo, almost…” I countered

“Still, I don’t trust you with fire.”

“C’mon babe, we have nothing else at the moment, unless of course you have anything in mind?” Chaeng kissed her on the cheek to make her change her mind, sneaky lol 

The End of the F*cking World: As Told By LisaWhere stories live. Discover now