²⁰ Levi-Montalcini

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Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.

- Rita Levi-Montalcini

Walking Talking Disaster

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Walking Talking Disaster

In Harper's humble opinion, Saturday's sucked. Ms. Mooney refused to give her more than one shift at a time so she only got to work four of the twenty-four hours in a day. She was weeks ahead on her homework and the teachers told her to relax. Relax! Ugh, as if. She had gained a hesitancy to enter into the woods after the whole fall and almost crack her head open thing. And she had no idea where Sage was.

Or rather where her corpse was rotting, either or.

If she didn't work all she could think about was Sage. She had tried to write an essay only for half of it to be Sage's name and the possibilities of where she had gone. Ms. Mooney told her to relax. Emily told her to relax. Hell, even her math teacher, who didn't like her after she rudely corrected him on a particularly bad day, told her to take it easy. If she did all she would do was think about Sage. And that never turned out well for her. It wasn't even like she was worried about the dead girl. All she could think about was finding closure.

She could never find it. Harper would never find it.

Harper worked like a robot while at Moonstruck diner, preferring to take the morning shift on the lovely March day. Sadly, it still wasn't warm enough to go without tights (by tights she means the horrendously thin nylons) with the uniform. She was told to go home at noon when she had over poured the sugar and then dropped a glass of water on the ground.

It could have possibly been due to the fact she hadn't slept at all the night before.

It was like she was in a daze. She could barely remember her shift on the drive over. She could barely think about anything else except for the party that she had been at. When she had last seen Sage missing. When everything went rogue. When her life tilted off of its axis and everything got more chaotic.

And while one of the many laws of thermodynamics state that the natural world prefers a state of disorder, Harper wanted her life back.

Her father hadn't come down in over a month. Claire had some sort of baby illness and had to be taken to a doctor the last time they were supposed to drive down to La Push. Maya said she was sorry. Somehow it felt more genuine than when her father told her. Did he even say it? Harper couldn't remember.

Harper had pulled into the driveway of the Young residence, where she was certain several burly and overheated Quilluete males would be, and sat there. She put her beloved Nova into park and was just sitting there. She didn't want to go in. She didn't want to see any of them.

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