¹² Edison

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I have not failed. I've successfully discovered 10,000 things that won't work.

- Thomas Edison

Green-Eyed Monster

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Green-Eyed Monster

It was widely known to Jake, Quil, and Embry that Sage and Harper had been avoiding the three of them like the plague. They skipped out on lunch, Sage had even given them the silent treatment during their classes, texts, calls. Everything was on radio silence. It had been going on for days now. And once it had hit that 1-week mark Quil and Jake knew they needed to talk to their unusually quiet friend.

Embry had been on edge. At every little thing, he had been snapping. Overreacting was a better word for it. It had been slow at first, starting sometime after Paul had come back looking all Sam-ified. And now he was a downright terror. He was rude, mean, moody, and it was becoming a major problem.

The three sat in a booth at Moonstruck diner where they were served by an angry-looking blonde named Bernie. Jake and Quil were on one side while a dejected Embry sat on the other. 

"Here are your Milkyway Shakes, have an out of this world day," Bernie said with her customer-service smile before turning away and dropping it entirely.

None of them made a move to touch the milkshake except for Embry who had always had quite the appetite for a string bean. After a beat of silence, Embry set down his strawberry shake, crossed his arms, and stared haughtily at them. "Is this like an intervention?" He asked sounding both snotty and impassive.

Jake and Quil looked at each other before nodding in sync.

"Yeah, dude."

"You bet your pouting ass it is."

Embry let out a sigh and rolled his deep brown eyes. "Okay, lay it on me," he said in a matter that was entirely too moody for either of their liking. Embry had been hearing about it from his mom who blamed his newfound shitty attitude on teenage hormones. He supposed that was right. Didn't mean he liked it.

Quil wasted no time. "What did you say to Harper?" 

Embry's eyes widened at the question.

Quil was guessing. He knew that Embry wouldn't say a thing to Sage without having to feel the wrath of their parents come down on them as they all had grown to love the girl who drifted apart when high school started. And then she was back for just a whisper of a second. Like that she was gone, along with her was Harper. Harper who they thought was just a member of the junkie squad until she found out, did a 180 and hung out with them. She helped with homework, she was funny, she put them in their place, and she made Embry happy in some weird sort of way. 

Well, that was until he all but refused to look at her for a couple of weeks and then all hell broke loose.

Safe to say it was a good guess.

sharp tongues {Embry Call}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat