Chapter One

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"Shit, shit, shit"

I cussed, slamming my apartment door shut behind me. My band management made a mandatory meeting for my band at the studio. I woke up 15 minutes ago, squeezing in a 5 minute shower. I pulled my blonde wet hair into a ponytail, threw on shorts, a blue hoodie, and practically sprinted out.

I was going to be late.

My band's management team was beginning to get stricter on our band since our fans sky rocketed. I mean, over the past year, we got over 10 million fans.

Yes, over 10 MILLION!

I got into my car and drove to the studio. It was about 10 minutes away from my apartment. I heard my phone ring with texts from Chelsea, Ezra and Harry. I ignored them because I was driving, of course.

I parked in the studio parking lot and rushed inside. My 2 managers Cleo and Wesley were standing in front of my band mates. Cleo looked at me disapprovingly.

Cleo was a very put together woman. I admired that about her. Today she wore a white blouse with a black pencil skirt. Her dark skin was always so clear and her make up was always so professional. Very put together but very intimidating when you get on her bad side.

Wesley was definitely more laid back. He was Spanish with ruffled black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was more on the goofy side, always trying to pick fun at us. He balances Cleo out, which makes them work so well together.

"Haven, you're late. We all know that this is an important meeting, right?"

Cleo asked me as I sat between Harry and Chelsea on the couch. I nodded.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

I apologized. Cleo gave Wesley a look but he just shrugged. Cleo sighed then clapped her hands together.

"So as you guys know, Lost Connection's success has been over the roof at this point. Many fans are requesting concerts and since your newest album is coming out, we have an idea..."

Cleo started and looked at Wesley with a smile. What are they up to? Harry, Ezra and Chelsea looked just as confused as me.

"Many fans from all over the world have been interested in seeing you perform live and that is why we're setting up a world tour!"

Wesley announced. World tour? Seriously? That was amazing! I couldn't believe it. Harry jumped up, excited.

"Really? You mean it?"

Harry asked. Cleo nodded, signalling Harry to sit back down. Harry obeyed.

"Yes, we have set the world tour and all the dates. We have it all in a poster so that you can post the dates on your band instagram account and main accounts."

Cleo explained. We all nodded, full of energy.

"How long will this tour last?"

I asked. Cleo and Wesley looked at each other then looked at us.

"So this is good news and bad news at the same time."

Wesley looked right at me as I said it.

"A year."


I went back into my apartment excited but also a little sad. Is that selfish of me?

I would miss Lachlan, that's for sure. We've only been living close to each other for about 5 months. How would he take this?

How will I?


I invited Lachlan over around lunch. He came with his big goofy smile and tousled blonde hair.

"Hellooooo gorgeous."

Lachlan winked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled, feeling guilty but for what? This is my job.

"Hey Lachy."

I hugged him back. Lachlan stared at my face for a second then frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Lachlan asked me. I took his hand and lead him to the couch. Lachlan's eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"Okay well... I'm going on a world tour."

I announced softly. Lachlan beamed, squeezing my hand.

"That's awesome babe! Why do you look sad about that though? That's great news."

I shrugged, hoping Lachlan won't be mad at me.

"Yeah but the thing is... I'm going to be on a world tour for a whole year..."

I trailed off. Lachlan tilted his head to the side but then smiled again.

"Haven, did you think I'd be upset about that?"

Lachlan asked me. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Honestly, yeah. A little."

I admitted. Lachlan our his arm around me and squeezed my shoulders.

"I'm going to miss you, Haven but you know how happy I am for you! This is huge. I want you to go do it. Live your life, perform in the biggest areas in the world. You deserve it."

My eyes filled with joyous tears as I hugged Lachlan tightly. He really does love me.

"I'm going to miss you too, Lachy. I leave next week."

I said. Lachlan brushed my blonde hair with his fingers.

"Don't worry about me, Haven. We've been through long distance before. This will be like nothing to us."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

Here Lachlan and I go again.

Long distance.




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Love you guys sm💛


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