*Chapter Ten*

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Last edited: 3/24/21

Flashback, Sixteen years ago

*Asha's POV*

"During extreme conditions, a climber must possess the wisdom to determine when evacuation is inevitable," I hear the record begin knowing mom put it on. I hear the bell ring next, and my siblings and I shuffle down the wooden steps to the dining room, knowing the food was ready. "A controlled alpine descent begins with the girding of one's loins and the anchoring of the climbing rope to one's enemy, the mountain," The record continues, getting louder as we continue to enter the room.

We all walk around the dinner table to our designated spots with Vanya at the head of the table. Ben is beside her with Klaus and Allison on that side of the table. I am positioned across from Ben, Five, Diego, and Luther, line up to my left. We all stand behind the chairs, waiting. Father walks in as the tape continues, "The Dülfersitz is the preferred descent when a rope is the only available tool but must be regarded as a last resort. Begin by looping the rope."

Father interrupts the record by pulling his chair out and commanding, "Sit."

"A screen anchor must be used if the rope is to successfully be retrieved from the face of the mountain," I hear from the record before we each pull our chairs out and sit down. I look towards the end of the table to see Allison and Luther attempting to sneak glances at each other. I roll my eyes as they do it unsuccessfully. "Tightly knot the ends of the rope. Once anchored, thread the double rope through the legs, front to back, and around the buttocks." I look over at Ben, and he wiggles his eyebrows at me, tilting his head towards Allison and Luther. I chuckle to myself and gently kick him in the shins. He exaggerates a wince and kicks me back, the pain fading the second he moves his foot back. My smile grows as I look down to grab my fork, digging into the food. Ben picks up a book and reads as he eats. I also hold my own book and am immersed in the words, ignoring the clinking of utensils against plates and tuning the record out. I hear a clang, and I look up slowly to see Five beside me. He's stabbed his knife into the table near me, straight through my napkin.

"Number Five?" Father asks, looking at him.

Having gained his attention, Five starts, "I have a question."

"So do I, why my poor napkin?" I mumble under my breath. I hear a couple of quiet chuckles and look over to see Vanya and Ben laughing at me. I smile at them before looking back at Five, the smile fading.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules—no talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson," Father states pointing his knife in the air to gesture where the record was playing. All of us but Number Five go back to eating and looking back at the plates of food.

"I want to time travel," Five states. My eyes widen as I look back at him to see his face completely serious.

"No," Father curtly answers.

Five scooches his chair back as he continues, "But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps just like you've said." He then scrunches his eyes as he spatial jumps in a streak of blue to beside Father. "See?" I look down and try to take the knife out of the table to release my napkin, struggling, unable to complete the task.

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel." I see something waving in my vision, and I look over to see Ben trying to give me his napkin. I smile and take it, giving up on taking the knife out of the table. "One is like sliding along the ice. The other is akin to descending into the depths of the freezing water and appearing as an acorn," Father explains. Five stands beside him, a look on his face shows that he didn't believe the man.

"Well, I don't get it," Five finally replies, hands in his pockets.

"Hence the reason you are not ready." Father takes a sip of his drink and then puts it back down. I see Five looking down the table towards Vanya, and I shift my gaze to see her slightly shaking her head. I look across the table and see Ben reading his book, ignoring what is happening.

"I'm not afraid," Five states looking back at Father. I scoff quietly. Did he not just hear what Father said? It sounds more complicated to me than just fear.

"Fear isn't the issue," Father answers, proving my thoughts. "The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." Father finally stops eating to shift and look at Five. Five turns and begins to walk away. "Number Five!" At Father's yelling, everyone stops what they are doing and starts to watch Five walking away. "You haven't been excused! Come back here." The sound of the front door opening and shutting echoes through the dining room. I roll my eyes and begin to eat again, using the napkin Ben gave to me. Five always was one for theatrics. He'd return soon, and Father would punish him, and then we would be back to normal. Ben kicks my shin, and I look up at him.

"Are you okay?" He mouths to me. I nod and pick up my book, continuing to read. After my answer, Ben also picks up his book and continues to read.

Little did I know at that time that Five wouldn't come back that day, and nothing would ever be the same again.

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