*Chapter Nine and a Quarter*

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Last edited: 3/23/21

*Third Person POV Following Klaus and Diego*

Diego and Klaus left together from the house to a small spot overlooking the water. "Stay here," Diego orders, getting out of the car.

"Where are we?" Klaus asks. Diego ignores his question and slams the car door, walking out to look over the water. He pulls something out of the chest pocket of his suit and dangles it in front of him. A glint is seen, caused by the streetlight reflecting off his father's monocle, the one that Luther had been looking for. Diego continues to stare at the monocle, Luther's voice ringing in his ear, "Do you ever remember a single time dad was without his monocle?"

Klaus opens the car door leaning out slightly. "Yoo-hoo Diego," He starts. "I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having but come on, man, we're starving!" Diego ignores him and continues to stare at the monocle. Klaus shuts the door once again with a heavy sigh. "I'm craving eggs," Klaus states to Ben, who is sitting beside him.

"We need to go back and see if Asha can hear me as well. I want to talk to her," Ben states, turning to Klaus in the back of the car.

"Wait, it's too late for eggs. Waffles hmm? You like waffles, right?" Klaus continues.

"Klaus! This is huge! I'm tired of only talking to you. Maybe I can talk to someone intelligent for once!" Ben exclaims.

"Hey, for your information, I am very excellent company to have," Klaus defends, putting his hands against his chest. Ben's face falls as he throws the hood of his jacket up, turning to look back at the front of the car. Klaus sighs heavily before adding, "I know you miss her, Ben. I know you guys had something more going on. I just am hungry and need something to eat. Let's eat waffles first, and then we can go look for her." Ben continues to ignore him. "Of course you like waffles. Everyone likes waffles."

Outside the car, Diego drops the monocle into the water. "Gunshots reported on the 400 block of Milton Avenue, Griddy's Doughnuts," A woman's voice is heard from a radio sat on the hood of the car. Diego quickly turns and walks to pick up the radio.

"Asha, what did you get yourself into," he mutters, getting into the car. Unbeknownst to him, Ben's head snaps up at the mention of Asha's name.

"Diego, thank you for joining us. We have decided on drum roll, waffles." Klaus announces, using the back of the seat to do a mini drum roll.

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work," Diego states, starting the car.

"He said something about Asha, Klaus," Ben mentions, not turning to look at Klaus.

Klaus rolls his eyes before mumbling, "What breaking bones and cracking skulls?"

"Saving lives, baby," Diego answers glancing in the rearview mirror to see Klaus' face.

"Well, I guess it's frozen waffles again," Klaus announces, turning to look over at Ben. Diego notices that Klaus wasn't talking to him, and he grabs the rearview mirror to tilt it. Diego could not see Ben in the back and assumed it was one of Klaus' imaginary friends, or Klaus was high again. Diego fixes the mirror and puts his domino mask back into place before driving away hurriedly, worried about his sister.

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