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Vanessa said nothing, "Vanessa Ryan are you ready to carry my babies?" He asked her again and she frowned. Babies?

Is she carrying a twin? A twin.... Gosh, she's definitely not ready for this, at least not twins.

But how can she explain this to Ken, he's very expectant and hoping. He wouldn't want to give up his kids and she won't even dare.

Ken came closer to her, he made her stand up. "Vanessa talk to me, are you ready now?" He asked again and she shook her head.

"Ken, I don't want to get stranded anymore. It isn't like I don't want to birth you kids, our kids, but I don't want to get stranded if you leave me again. I don't think I can cope with it, not especially when I'm having a twin."She said to him and his face fell, he never expected her to be this selfish.

" Why's it always about you Vanessa? You don't make sacrifices, you don't take risks, you don't let people in easily, why always you? "He asked her.

His voice wasn't calm and it wasn't harsh, it was painful, filled with hurt.

"Ken...." She wanted to touch him but he moved from her. "No, let's get this clear here and now. You've always been selfish and self centered, fighting for your self and your heart alone. Don't you ever tend to care for me or what I'll feel?" He asked her.

"Don't you? Do you know how I was able to manage this few weeks without you? It wasn't easy, I couldn't do it. I'd to go out of my way to get in touch with Padma and she told me you're here, I'd to make the sacrifice cause I couldn't live without you.

No matter how angry I was after seeing that video and playing it, I couldn't do it. You didn't tell her what happened between us and neither did she know what happened between you and Yuvraj."

She cut him short.

"Nothing happened between me and Yuvraj, Ken." She said to him and he frowned.

"He didn't do anything to me." She told him. "How did you know?" He asked her, was she defending herself or Yuvraj? He didn't understand. No guy would stay that close to her without doing anything off his bounds.

"I'm very sure." She replied him undisputed. "I know I was very wrong for going out to see him without telling you but I'd my reasons Ken, I did accept his dinner invitation because I wanted to get him sign those papers, so I can be with you.

He lost Sekani and I know he wouldn't want to let me go, that was my only chance and I'd to use it. Even though it didn't really go as expected but he signed the papers and I got what I wanted, what we both wanted, I did it for us." She told him almost breaking down filled with the thought of Ken thinking that she betrayed him.

"You don't want to lose me?" He asked her and she nodded. "And I don't want to lose you too, I can't live without you Nessa. We'll get married and be together..."

"No marriage Ken, I just left one and I don't think I want to get into another. We can be together, have our kids and live together with both Sekani and Ariana but no marriage Ken, no marriage." She said to him.

"As long as I have you with me, I don't care if we get married or not. Whenever you're done wit me, you can as well throw me into the turnpike." He said casually and she smiled. "That'll be the death of me."

He came closer and took her face closer to his. "I just want you and you alone." He whispered to her, she smiled.

"Thank you for understanding me Ken, I don't know what I could have done without you." She said to him while they hugged.

"Me too, I owe my life to you Vanessa." He said to her as he touched her belly, it was hard and her navel was out.

"Does Padma know about it?" He asked her, she shook her head.

"I haven't told anyone about it but I know she must have noticed, putting the way she was fussing about me not eating properly."

"Did you ever think of getting rid of it?" He asked her, he just wanted to know whether it ever came into her mind to get rid of his babies, their babies.

"Yeah.." "Why didn't you do it?" He asked her as she looked at him. In her heart she asked him, are you sure you want to hear it? He nodded like he read her mind.

"I wanted to carry you along, they're your kids and I needed you to know about them." She said to him and he smiled. She was really thinking of him, this woman must have casted a spell on him to make him not get mad at her.

If it was to be Julie who'd done this, he would have reacted in a very harsh way to her but with Vanessa, he kept his cool. She has really done something to him and that something, he's in love with.

In the long run, Vanessa and Sekani went along with Ken to Topeka. The little boy was happy that he was going away with his favorite uncle and soon he would get to meet Ariana.

Ken was meticulous about Vanessa's pregnancy. He'd the whole house refurbished prior her arrival, made her eat healthy and made sure she went for her check up on weekly basis instead of the normal once in every month.

He actually went back to work, this time around, it was his own hospital, the hospital his father had been lecturing him about since. Everything was under control again.

"Ken, Padma called today." Vanessa told him after dinner one night, they were getting ready to go to bed. The kids were already asleep.

Vanessa was already in her seventh month and her bumps were all out, showing to the whole world that she's pregnant.

"What did she say?" He asked her, Vanessa took a deep breathe and Ken looked at her. "Something bad happened?" He asked her, she was behaving all weird and down.

"It's Yuvraj," She said to him. "He got involved in an accident and is comatosed, she wanted Sekani to come see him." She told him.

She'd a feeling Ken wouldn't agree to it but wanted to tell him about it first.

"Do you want him to go see him? It's nothing wrong, Yuvraj is his father still." Ken said to her and she nodded.

No matter what, he's still the father of the boy and she can't take that right away from him.

"We can go see him over the weekend. Julie's coming next week too, she's getting married and wants to finally legalise our separation." He told her and she smiled.

"At least she's doing it in a more reasonable and matured way, I just hope everything ends well." She said to him.

"Lucky for us." He said as he made her lay on the bed in the most comfortable way.

If Yuvraj had acted maturely like Julie's doing right now, she won't have had any problem with him..

Maybe Karma is paying him a visit, she sighed.

To be continued..........

I hope you are enjoying my story so far. Feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and criticisms about the story so far in the comment box✉️📧 and also do not forget to vote.
I love you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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