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      "Sekani!" Vanessa called her now eighteen months old son. "Mama!" The boy answered from his toilet. "Are you done?" She asked him.

She'd just wanted to leave for school when Sekani, her little troublemaker cried that he wanted to use the potty. She'd to allow him even though she was thirty minutes late for her seven thirty class.

"No mama!" The boy said to her. She went to the toilet to see for herself, but was surprised and annoyed when she saw her son playing with his butt wipes.

"Not again Sekani." She pulled the wipes from the boy's hand. "Mama..." He kept a sad face. "I wanna play." He said to her. Vanessa sighed, helped him put back his clothes and cleaned the mess he made. She took his hand and led him out of the room.

She didn't have a nanny anymore since Sekani turned one. She felt she could take care of him herself and still do what she does.

Padma advised against it. But what she did was to enroll him in the Georgia University Day Care close by. With that she can still watch over him from school.

She took the boy outside the house and closed the door. "Mama! Mama!" He cried. She turned to him to see why he was shouting. The boy pointed at the plane that was moving in the sky.

"Gan-gan ish coming aiit?" He asked her. She nodded. "She's coming soon. But if you act naughty, she won't come again." She said.

The best way to calm Sekani or have him behave good was to tell him his Gan-gan isn't coming.

Immediately his face fell. She scooped up the boy and went to the car, strapped him in and closed the door.
Then she remembered. She left Sekani's lunch inside the house. She rushed back to the door and opened it. There it was. She left the lunch bag on center table. She rushed in and grabbed it then shut the door again.

Like always, her son was creating a mess in the car with a paper he got hold of. "Can't this kid be normal?" She asked herself. "Sekani stop!" She scolded him. The boy stopped but didn't stop smiling impishly.

"You're being naughty now Sekani and I don't like it." She said picking up the piece of papers that flew everywhere. "Mama, play!" Sekani said playfully. Vanessa picked the papers and threw it outside the window, checking around if anyone had seen her do that. She started the car engine and drove away.

Getting to the day care, she unstrapped the boy, took his lunch bag and took his hand, leading him inside the building.

"Good morning Miss Ryan. Sekani's teacher who was standing at the door of his playroom greeted Vanessa.

" Hey Sekani. How're you doing?" The teacher asked the boy. "Here's your package. You can have him for the whole day." Vanessa said playfully as she handed Sekani to the teacher. She smiled and took the boy's bag.

"Mama, bye." The boy waved to her as she left. She waved back and hurried to her car.

The best thing about being a mother,
Vanessa loves the trouble her son gave her.

Sekani's mischievously cute and loves to play pranks on her. Like when he called Gan-gan and she came running outside her room thinking Padma came.

Sekani was her whole life. Her existence centered on him and he was literarily the best thing that had ever happened to her.

"Miss Ryan, you're late again." Professor Macy, obviously the youngest professor in the university asked her. "Sorry Sir. I'd to finish a few stuff before coming." She said as she walked to her seat. "How's your son?" He asked. Vanessa looked at him weirdly.

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