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"Mama wake up, we're here already." Sekani tapped Vanessa who was sleeping. She woke up with a start and looked at the boy beside her, oh gosh, that was one hell of a bad dream. Her son was still with her.

"Mama are you alright?" Sekani asked the woman. She nodded and looked at Ken who was driving. They were already at the court and it seemed to be a bit crowded.

"Vanessa, take the kids out while I park this car properly." Ken said to her and she nodded.

"Kids help yourself out, I want to talk to Uncle Ken." She told the kids and Ken turned to look at her, he saw that she was worried and scared. He wouldn't blame her, she wouldn't want to lose her son.

"Ken, I'm scared." She told him, both the kids were outside the car looking around.

"Nessa you don't have to be." He cupped her chin. "He can't take the boy away from you, Sekani's your son and by all rights, he should be with his mommy and I know he's going to choose you over him." Ken encouraged her.

"What if he doesn't? I had a dream right now where Sekani chose to be with Yuvraj instead, he was behaving strangely in my dream. What if he chooses his father over me?" She asked him with traceable fears in her voice.

"I've faith that he wouldn't, he barely likes the man and I don't think the judge would want to grant Yuvraj custody, after everything he did to you." Ken told her.

"And moreover, I'm here with you. He can't take the boy." He added and she managed a smile as he let go of her chin.

"Go inside with the kids, I'll join you guys later on." Ken said to her and she nodded, then opened the car and got out while Ken parked the car in an appropriate way before he stepped out to go look for the lawyer.

Yuvraj came with his lawyer prior to when the case would begin, he walked to where Vanessa was standing with Ariana and Sekani and he bent before the boy.

"How're you doing boy?" He asked the boy but Sekani said nothing, he was just staring hard at the man... Only if looks could kill.

"See, I got this for you." Yuvraj brought out a nicely wrapped parcel and gave it to the boy. "I don't want your gift, leave me and mama alone." He boy told him arrogantly.

"You should know what it is first." Yuvraj said as he took the boy's hands and placed the gift on it, then he left before the boy had the chance to argue.

"Mama are you sure he's my papa, he is acting like those fat pigs in the Red Riding Hood." The boy bad mouthed throwing the gift on the floor and Ariana giggled sheepishly.

"Oink oink, Fat pig, Oink oink, he's a fat pig." She said in a rhythm as she laughed hard at what Sekani said. Vanessa couldn't help but smile, these kids are something else.

"Sekani, he's your papa, so don't say that about him and it isn't good to throw peoples gift away. You can give it out to someone else if you don't like it." She told the boy. He bent and picked up the gift with his left hand, indicating that his right hand is too precious to touch it.

Immediately Ken came to join them, "The lawyer's here, let's go seated." he told Vanessa and the kids and soon everyone was seated.

"Let's the court session begin." The judge said.

In the long run both Yuvraj's lawyer and Vanessa's lawyer battled on who's right it is to be with the kid.

Seeing the fact that his client was going to lose custody of the child, bearing the fact that he'd abused his wife and she'd lost two pregnancies for him, the man made a petition to court.

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