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Padma was playing with Sekani outside when she heard Vanessa's cries. She left Sekani and ran inside to know what's happening. "Jeremy please don't leave!" She was crying in her sleep. "Vanessa..." Padma called her trying to wake her up but she wasn't waking up.

She was just crying, yelling and calling out to someone. "Vanessa. What's the matter?" Padma asked her still trying to get her to wake up.

"Please don't go Jeremy. Please don't go." She cried louder. "Vanessa Jeremy isn't....."

The door burst open. It was Prasad. "What's happening to her?" He asked Padma rushing to her. "I don't know. She's crying about Jeremy leaving. I think she's having a bad dream." Padma said worriedly.

"Vanessa." Prasad touched her. "Jeremy..." "Vanessa dear." Both Padma and Prasad called her tapping her slowly. Soon she calmed down.

"She has calmed down now." Prasad said to her. Padma slightly massaged Vanessa's forehead. "Maybe you should know this. Jeremy's....." "What happened to him?" Padma asked him. He looked at Vanessa who was lying peacefully on the bed, then took Padma out of the room.

"What happened to Jeremy?" Padma asked him. "He's dead." He told her. "What?" She was shocked. Sekani raised his head up from his stroller and looked at them. "Gan-gan, where's mama?" He asked her. She went to her bag and brought out a bottle of milk and then handed it to the boy. "Have this." She said to him.

He stretched his pudgy palms and took the bottle from her putting the nipple into his mouth then she went to Prasad.

"How come?" She asked him surprised filling her to the brink. "I was with the Macy's when the nurse who'd gone to check on him rushed out saying he was breathing difficulties. We rushed inside and it was true. The live machines were scratching and Jeremy was struggling for his life.

The doctor came and soon they began to do everything they could to save him but unfortunately, they couldn't. He died after several attempts to save him." He said to her. Padma was shocked but she got to understand something.

Vanessa was having a nightmare about this. Recalling how she kept calling Jeremy's name awhile ago. "That was what she was dreaming about." She told her husband. "Yes, that what I figured out too. She saw it already." Prasad confirmed. "This is very bad, should we tell her?" Padma asked him. She was referring to Vanessa.

"I don't think that's a good idea now. Maybe later but definitely not now." He said. "I think we should go see the Macy's first." He concluded. Padma nodded.

She took Sekani and kept the stroller back in Vanessa's room. Then together, they went to see the Macy's.
Mrs Macy was crying uncontrollably as the nurses took Jeremy's body now covered with white cloth away.

"He can't be dead Cosby. He can't be. He said he wasn't going to leave me. He can't be dead." She continued to cry as her husband held her back from getting to the corpse.

Mr. Macy wasn't left out too. The man had his head down immediately the nurses passed with Jeremy's corpse. He was in pain, deep raw pain but he couldn't cry.

He'd to be strong for his family especially his wife, he'd to be strong for her.

"Mr Macy." Prasad called and the man turned. "I'm so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your wife." He said to him.

Padma walked to Patricia and held her up. "It's okay, everything is going to be alright." She consoled the wailing woman.

When her cries lessened, Padma held her up and went to sit with her on the chair. "I'm so sorry for this." She began. "Jeremy was like a son to me too you know. He helped my daughter a lot. With him coming into our lives, I saw something I haven't seen in my daughter for years. I saw happiness and love. When she talked about him to me on phone, she's very happy and excited. It's a pity things had to go this way. May his soul rest in peace." She said to the couple.

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