Kaycee: Words

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Acting Class

"Alright the exercise is to argue against someone in a scene, no worries I'll pick your partner," the teacher said

"I hope I get Kaycee or Sean," Bailey said

"I'm tired of the disrespect," Josh said as Sean and Kaycee just laughed

"First Bailey and Josh," the teacher said

"Don't get too personal you two" Sean joke

"Alright start with Josh"

"Why didn't you text me back" Josh started

"Because when you text me I get confused," Bailey said

"Oh shit" Sean whispered

"They use to date right? Do they still have feelings for each other?" Kaycee said

"I get confused on why this hot Cheeto hair head is texting me," Bailey said

"You should be lucky I'm even texting your Bob haired bobblehead self," Josh said

"Nevermind," Sean said

"So I was thinking today to help get in that mindset for tonight maybe we shouldn't talk to each other today," Kaycee said

"...Ok," Sean said

"Wait just like that" Kaycee said as Sean didn't respond and focused on Bailey and Josh's acting "And we started ok yeah"

Dance Class

Nika Kljun was teaching this class today it was her Jazz-Funk class which gathered everyone's full attention whether it be because they needed to pay attention to learn it or were just generally intrigued to learn it

"Alright 5-minute break then we can start doing groups" Nika announced as everyone went to get their water and talk to their friends

"What's up with Sean and Kaycee?" Charlize whispered/asked Kenneth "They haven't been talking, at least from what I've seen"

"They decided to not talk to each other to get themselves in the right headspace for their dance today," Kenneth said "According to Bailey, this is my first time being around them both as Kaycee seemed fine earlier in Staging"

"Hmm," Charlize said thinking this could be a sign to talk to Sean with no Kaycee interference but glance at Josh talking to Bailey and Sean and decided against it "Kaycee come here!"

"What's up?" Kaycee said getting off her phone and scooting next to Kenneth

"First, are you ready for your Friday Night Jam?! You must be so excited!" Charlize said

"More nervous than excited but yeah," Kaycee said a little confused as to why Charlize was initiating conversation with her

"As Josh likes to say just breathe and focus on your breath," Charlize said

"LIke Josh likes to say? I've never heard him say that" Kenneth said questioning how she would know that and not him

"Oh and what's going on with you and Bailey, I heard from Bailey you two talked and not the good kind of talk," Charlize said

"Wait what?" Kaycee said being the first to hear about this

"It's not a big deal," Kenneth said

"Wait I want to hear this too!" Kaycee said siding with Charlize

"Ok first let's have Kaycee go solo!" Nika said

"Well we should focus on Kaycee's dancing," Kenneth said turning towards the center

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