Kenneth: Texting

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"Alright for the next play we'll have Anna for the leading female, and Chase for the leading male, and Sophia for the supporting role, Connor get on the lights, everyone else go and find something backstage to work on" the theater teacher instructed "I'll be back there in a few minutes"

Bailey sighed as she and Kenneth headed backstage "Wanted a role?" Kenneth said

"Kind of but I don't know they're the actual actors so they do deserve it," Bailey said

"Didn't you say you wanted to be in at least one play before you're done here at school?" Kenneth said

"Yeah but I still got two years," Bailey said

"If you keep delaying the first step then you'll decide when you do want to do it," Kenneth said as Bailey rolled her eyes

"How's that decision between singing and dancing coming?" Bailey said as that annoyed Kenneth

"Wow fine I get the hint," Kenneth said walking away "I'll go work on some sets or something"









Stage Equipment

"So, Sean I was thinking after school we could go see a movie," Charlize said

"Yeah sure, what do you want to see Josh?" Sean said

"Uh..." Josh said as he received a glare from Charlize "I have plans"

"You do?" Sean said not hearing any news of plans before now

"Yeah... Writing that song for Kenny, we should probably get started earlier rather than later" Josh said

"I didn't think he decided on doing that yet?" Charlize said as Josh looked at her like really 🤨 "I mean you're probably just doing it as a precaution"

"He really should just focus on his dancing," Sean said "Singing can just be to assist"

"I thought we were trying to get him to do both?" Josh said as Sean shrugged

"Kenny's dancing has the Sean Lew approval," Charlize said "You do have an eye for these things"

"Yeah he instantly noticed Bailey was a good dancer on her first move," Josh said

"Same with you! I tried so hard for you to switch to dancing" Sean said

"And it didn't work so why do you think it'll work with Kenny?" Josh said

"More good dancers at this school mean more opportunities for dance events and such meaning we won't just be playing backup to the acting and singing kids," Charlize said as the bell ringed "Bye Seanie!"

"I don't get a personal goodbye?" Josh said

"No!" Charlize said as Sean laughed

"What I do to get her mad at me?" Josh said

"Nothing she just likes messing with you," Sean said

Hair and Makeup

"Are you two fighting?" Charlize said sitting between the two which wasn't usual "You're not even dating how are you fighting already?"

"You don't have to date to fight," Kenneth said

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