Bailey: Inspiration

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Acting: Monologue

"A tip to for your monologues in the future is to try to make a character for yourself, getting into a role can make talking about a specific topic easier," the teacher said as the bell rings "No homework but try and find characters and people in different media's so you can have an example"


"She said no," Josh said

"Haha hahahahaha haha!" Charlize laughed

"You're so mean Charlizey," Josh said

"Sorry, but you getting rejected is just so funny to me!" Charlize said still laughing

"What happened?" Kenneth said "You didn't talk to her during class like I thought you would yesterday"

"Well she was always around her friends," Josh said "But I talked to her after class and that's when I got turned down"

"Her loss bro," Sean said while patting his back

"Sorry to hear that Josh," Bailey said giving him a side hug as Josh gave her a smile

"I don't see the big deal," Charlize said "You'll just find some other girl to crush on"

"True," Kenneth said as Josh was going to refute it but knew they were right "Oh Bailey how was your class we didn't get to ask you yesterday"

"It's fine, the whole class is preparing for this monologue which will be our final exam and we were given our monologue topic yesterday and she just explained what a monologue actually is today," Bailey said "I just think I'm going to struggle"

"Why?" Sean asked

"Don't know, just a feeling," Bailey said not having a wordy explanation "What about you all? Josh is having girl trouble but what about you three? Anything significant?"

"Two of those guys Josh said I was available talked to me today," Charlize said

"And how did that go?" Josh asked

"You need better taste in guys," Charlize said as the rest laughed

"Who talked to you?" Josh asked as he was curious which of the three talked to her

"Josh Beauchamp" Charlize said "He was so thirsty"

"Typical Josh" Sean said while laughing along with Bailey and even Kenneth as even he met the guy because of dance classes "He's so confident but sometimes it leaks out his desperation"

"And Justin he was nice but I feel like he had... other intentions," Charlize said

"Yeah I felt that too but hey you never know," Josh said as he wrapped his arm around Charlize "Sorry about that Charlizey!"

"It's okay, and who gave you permission to wrap your arm around me?" Charlize said as Josh stayed in the same position

"So who was left, Josh?" Bailey said

"From the original three, it would be J-"

"Hey Char," Julian said approaching the table "I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me this weekend?"

"Oh it was Julian," Bailey said instantly picking it up

"Why did they all start with the letter J?" Kenneth said as Sean shrugged

"I don't know Jules, as you see I'm pretty preoccupied," Charlize said

"Huh... OH!" Julian said seeing Josh's arm around Charlize "I can treat you way better than Josh"

"Wait, what?" Josh said confused

"Yeah? How would you prove that?" Charlize said

"Hmm..." Julian started to think then got an idea "Dance battle! Winner takes you on a date"

"Hold on," Josh said

"So I'm just some prize to be won?" Charlize said

"No, just my way of showing how much I want to take you out," Julian said "You can still say no regardless of who wins as it's still your choice beautiful"

"He accepts," Charlize said as Josh looked at her in disbelief and Sean was muffling his laughter

"Awesome, Friday Night Jam, battle in front of everyone," Julian said as he walks off "See you Friday!"

"Dance battles are a thing?" Kenneth said, "I thought that was just a movie thing?"

"Oh baby," Bailey said patting Kenneth's cheek "They're very real, I even won a battle freshman year against a junior"

"Yeah it's kinda a freshman hazing thing for upperclassman to battle freshman because usually freshman never know how to freestyle seriously," Sean said "But it also can be used to settle things as it does in those dance movies that you've seen"

"So what are the rules?" Kenneth asked

"A song is picked by a third party, in this case, would probably be Charlize then we flip a coin or something to decide who goes first and then we each will freestyle for a minute each and then some judges will decide who wins based on categories" Josh explained "Why am I battling? And it's Julian he's insane in freestyling"

"What? Don't want to win that date with me?" Charlize said

"Well, I-"

*Bell rings*

"Time for class!" Charlize said getting up

"Was that her flirting?"Kenneth asked following Charlize

"I think?" Bailey said not being sure "Anyways what about you Sean? I feel we've been ignoring you"

"No I don't like anyone or am looking for anyone to have girl trouble, grades are good and am just focusing on dance," Sean said

"Very professional of you," Bailey said "Before we go I need some help"

"Ask later? Don't want to be late to class" Sean said

"Ok," Bailey said "Meet me after school then"

After School


"Found you!" Sean said as he and Kenneth made their way to Bailey

"Why didn't you tell me you had a secret spot," Kenneth said "When Sean was looking for you and I had to say I don't know he immediately knew"

All of us have our own secret spots" Bailey said "Sean has one on the roof, even Charlize and Josh have one"

"...I need to find me one," Kenneth said

"So what did you want to ask me?" Sean said

"Oh I just needed some help finding some inspiration for my monologue didn't need to wait the rest of the day as if I was asking something mind-blowing," Bailey said with a slight laugh

"Oh... instead of trying to find something that shows how happy or bubbly you are why not do something that makes others feel happy," Sean said "Like a motivational speaker"

"Sean you're a genius," Bailey said

"It was just a thought," Sean said

"Well you helped Bailey find her inspiration," Kenneth said "Sounds like a genius to me"


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