"Done. If you have anything else of hers here, just let me know. I'm good at flinging things out the window, like you just observed," Type said, turning back around to look at him. Tharn just stared at him in bewilderment and finally broke into a smile after weeks. He felt incredibly lucky to have Type by his side. 

Type, seeing Tharn smiling after what seemed like forever, felt a warmth spreading in his chest. He had half a mind to tear through Tharn's room for Pina's belongings to toss them out the window one by one to keep that smile on his face. 

Tharn finally turned around and squeezed toothpaste onto his brush himself. Type, seeing the slight happiness in his eyes after ages, felt like Tharn was finally healing. 


Tharn and Type entered the pub to find it quite crowded. It was Friday evening so they figured it was nothing out of the ordinary. They headed to the bar and miraculously found two empty stools and sat down. They ordered a beer each and slowly sipped on their drinks, not saying much to each other, slightly swaying to the music coming from the speakers. 

"This is not strong enough," Tharn said as he ordered himself a large whiskey. Type stuck to beer because he wasn't a big drinker and he had to take care of Tharn that night. He couldn't do that if he got shit faced. 

After Tharn had downed 4 large whiskeys and Type was still sipping on his fourth beer, Tharn turned to look at Type, a little inebriated. "Do you think I'm a dumbass?"

Type smiled at how Tharn was slurring his words a little. "Constantly," he replied with a smirk. Tharn widened his eyes and then relaxed his face as he started nodding his head. "Yeah, I guess so. I wouldn't have found myself in this situation if I wasn't a dumbass," he said as he turned to the bartender to order another whiskey. 

Type felt his stomach drop. He was supposed to help Tharn get over his slump and instead he had just insulted him. He felt like he needed to rectify his mistake. He grabbed Tharn's shoulder and turned him towards himself. 

"No, Tharn. You're not a dumbass. She was a goddamn viper. Even I didn't see it coming. This is all on her. Don't you fucking start blaming yourself or, I swear to god, I'm going to beat some sense into you," Type said threateningly. Tharn started chuckling at his friend's speech. "You don't have your weapon with you so I don't feel too scared right now," Tharn said, still chuckling. Type furrowed his brows in confusion. "What the fuck does that mean?" He asked. 

Tharn, recalling the memory of Type threatening to beat him with a small bone at the food-court a long time ago, laughed to himself. "Remember when you threatened to beat me up with that chicken bone?" He asked, grinning at Type. Type tried to think of what Tharn meant by that, when that specific memory suddenly came back to him, making him laugh too.

"Yeah, imagine how much worse it will be with this…." Type said, gesturing at his beer bottle. He saw Tharn widen his eyes, looking a little scared, and burst out laughing again. Tharn, seeing Type laughing, realised he was only kidding and smiled in relief as he took a worried sip of his drink. 

"But seriously, don't blame yourself. She's the bitch here. You did nothing wrong. She manipulated you. You can't blame yourself for her actions," Type said leaning in with sincere eyes. Tharn felt his words resonate with him in his current tipsy state. With his inhibitions lowered, the part of his brain that felt the constant need to put the blame on himself seemed to have gone to sleep as he finally admitted to himself that he really was not at fault. His lips turned up into a lopsided smile at Type who had helped him come to that realisation. 

"Yeah, I really wasn't at fault. It was her fault," Tharn said. Type hearing those words coming out of Tharn's lips, felt pure joy wash over him as he broke into a grin, realising that Tharn was actually getting better, after seeing him waste away on his couch for a month. It had been a trying and painful month for him too. He was relieved to hear that he had stopped blaming himself and that was a big step for Tharn. 

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