Video Diaries and Pasta

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"Oh well that's good I guess." I say uncertainly.

"Yep it is! But you will have to see the video diaries." He adds seriously.

"What are the video diaries?" I think Morgan may have mentioned them but I cannot for the life of me remember what they actually are.

"The lads and I got put together on a show called X-factor and every week we had to do a video diary talking about how we felt about the week, answering fan questions and doing other random stuff." Louis tells me as if looking back on a fond memory.

"Okay well I'll be sure to watch those when I get back to my house." I agree, but really they don't sound all that exciting.

"Why wait? We can watch them for some lunch time entertainment." He says excitedly running into his room presumably to get a laptop.

"Would you like some pasta love?" Liam asks from behind me.

I look at the pot of pasta in Alfredo sauce with chicken mixed in, it looks great and I can't wait to taste it.

"I'd love some." I agree, he fills my plate with food and after thanking him I go to sit beside Niall and Zayn who are already eating.

I make small talk with the two of them for a minute or two, well mostly Zayn since Niall seems more focused on downing his pasta than talking to me, and then Louis practically skips back in Mac book in hand.

"We're watching the video diaries boys!" He calls out happily, sitting down beside me and going on Youtube to find the video diaries.

The others look just as excited as Louis and all crowd around the laptop to watch the videos with their pasta on plates in their hands. 

Week one’s video is pretty short and not very interesting though I do have to ask who the boy with the long straightened hair is. Turns out its Liam it's really so wonder I didn't recognize him at all when I got here he looks so different depending on the haircut and style.  

Week two is a little bit longer and the boys all laugh when Louis says that he likes girls who eat carrots and even I have to laugh when Harry says he likes girls with a nice pretty face.  

“That’s real creative Harry, nice pretty faces!” I tease him after the video is finished playing.  

“Lou said he likes girls who eat carrots, that’s just weird!” Harry shoots back smirking at Louis.  

“Carrots are good! It’s like the colour of Tay’s hair!” Louis argues pointing at my head to prove his point about the colour of my hair.  

“Oh so that’s why you like her so much!” Harry exclaims, and Louis blushes a bit making me do the same.  

“Awe look the two kids are blushing!” Liam coos looking at our brightly coloured faces.  

“Maybe we should move on to the next video.” I suggest trying to get the attention away from Louis and I.  

I mean I don’t even like him in that way. Do I? Well how could I, I only just really met him today, put aside the fact that he knows some of my deepest secrets and that we’ve been talking for hours on the beach for the past few nights.  

But he is really good looking, and really sweet and funny…  

“Tay, are you okay?” Niall snaps me out of my thoughts about Louis.  

“Yeah fine, sorry I just got a little distracted.” I apologize focusing on video diary three which is now playing on Youtube.  

“Hmm I wonder what was distracting her.” Harry muses, not so subtly glancing at Louis.  

“Guess you’ll never know, Lou can you turn up the volume I can’t hear it over these losers.” I change the subject.  

For the next half hour we all finish our lunches and watch the video diaries and I’ll admit they were better than I expected them to be. I already knew Louis was funny but the side of him he shows in the videos is absolutely hilarious.  

When they’re over all of us are in good moods and I feel like I know the guys a lot more now than I did before, even though some of the craziness may have been a bit exaggerated in the videos they really are quite like the boys the fans know as One Direction.  

The six of us get up to go clean our dishes as ordered by Liam and then put them back into the cupboards.  

“Didn’t you guys have a body guard?” I ask suddenly remembering the man protecting Zayn yesterday.  

“Paul? I think he went out shopping or something.” Zayn tells me not looking sure.  

“Yeah that’s what he told Harry and I.” Liam adds, looking much surer and Harry nods.  

“Oh okay, so what’s everyone going to do now?” I inquire, wondering if I should get going home yet it’s already quarter to five, I don’t want them to think I’ll never leave them alone or something like that.  

“I’m going to go see Dani; she finishes work at five so she’ll be done soon.” Liam tells us.  

“I think the rest of us will probably head back to the beach right lads?” Niall says and we all nod in agreement.  

“Okay well let’s go then.” Harry urges us and we walk to the front door waving goodbye to Liam.  

“Oh wait I still have your shirt, maybe we should go put in back in your room before we go outside again.” I whisper to Louis pointing to the t-shirt on my body.  

“Yeah you’re right.” He agrees, and then calls to other boys that we have to put his shirt back and we’ll be at the beach in a minute.  

I hear some jokes being made about us being alone and what we’re going to do in his room, as I’m sure you can imagine but I try to ignore it as I walk though the house into Louis’ room with him behind me.  

Awkwardly I pull his striped shirt off of me and hand it back to him feeling quite naked now in just my bikini.   He’s watching me now; I can feel it as I keep my eyes glued to the ground.  

“Look at me love.” He says softly.   I look up from the ground into his green/blue eyes and they are staring intently at me, he doesn’t say anything else and neither do I but before I know he’s taken a step closer to me and then…  

Ouh cliff-hanger well I think it’s a cliff hanger though I already know what’s going to happen. And look at this it’s only 10:30 I’m half an hour ahead of schedule!!

Anyway any guesses about what happens to Lou and Taylor?   If you guess it the next chapter is dedicated to you! Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter I’ve decided to dedicate this chapter to PhoebeBennett5 because of her amazing use of the word ‘sooooo’ in her comment.  




Love you guys!  

Logan x  

PS I’ll update again tomorrow!

Beach Nights- Louis TomlinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang