2. Stakes and Scalpels

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"Told you," she said when they emerged from the corridor in sight of the bridge.

"Yes, right as always," Neidia replied. But she wasn't paying much attention to his begrudging admiration. She shot ahead, through the open doors.

The bridge was occupied by three of her Darax brethren and two of the more humanoid Semartus. Even here, there were no apparent controls or even screens, just blank walls and panels. The instant she glided into the bridge, she opened a channel to the commanding officer.

"Lieutenant, what in the black depths of a Tersec latrine is going on here?"
Norlyss looked at her sharply. "Mind your tongue, engineer. This is a military operation and I expect nothing short of military discipline."

Delton told her where to put her discipline in a creative invective that doesn't quite translate properly to English. 

"We saw the Core chamber," she said, thundering straight through the Lieutenant's objections. "It's still sealed faster than a sky clam's buttocks."

"Don't bring me into this," said Neidia as he entered behind her. She ignored him.

"It looks like the Core burst from the inside. We don't even know how to do that. As far as I know it could only have been the Limbless themselves, or..."

She opened her hands, letting them go limp. "Or one of the Coordinators."

Her superior's eyes widened behind her faceplate. "That's enough, Darax!" The others in the bridge were turning towards them; although they couldn't hear the exchange, it was clear from their body language that it was heated.

Maybe they should hear this, Delton thought, and surreptitiously opened a public channel.

"And where is Exodus? If the Core was destroyed in the attack, the Nullartus would've all died instantly. That's sure what looks like happened. But then Exodus shoulda occupied the ship."

"I said, THAT'S ENOUGH."

There was something in her tone, and the way her hand was resting on her sidearm, that commanded Delton's attention. The Lieutenant lowered her voice again.

"We're not here to ask questions. We're here to do our job."

"If I had a dollar," Delton's muttered, turning away. She was hardly satisfied, but there was little she could do.

Two more Darax entered the bridge, pulling a large cubic case between them, at least two metres to a side. Behind them came another Semartus, who was fidgeting nervously with the fingers of his suit.

"Alright, Delton, you're up."

The Darax handlers  unfolded the case to reveal a shining, light-bending Core, complete with inducer. Delton just stared, astonished. 

"Where in all the galaxy's green assholes did you pull that from?"

"It doesn't matter. I need you to plug it in."

"Plug it in?" Delton was beginning to feel that this mission's briefing had been woefully inadequate. "To what?"

"You tell me. You're the expert. We just need to get this thing up and running."

Delton grumbled. "Plug it in, she says. It's not that simple. The Core chamber is busted, and that's the best connection to the power grid. There are probably secondary sockets, but damn me if I know where. And we sure as a headless spider is dull aren't getting full power that way."

"Alright, alright. Captain?"

The Captain's voice joined them from the Honour's cockpit.

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