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"Noah, we need to wait. I want to make love with you in our bed, not the car." Oliver grabbed his gun from the driver's seat and held it up to Noah's head. "Get up before I shoot you." Oliver joked, kissing his now-boyfriend on the cheek. Oliver wasn't one to show affection, but when he did he meant it.

Noah groaned and got out of Oliver's lap, pouting a little and slipping his own gun into his pocket. He pulled his cute mask down and grunted when Oliver started messing with it to make it straight. Sometimes Noah got frustrated for no reason, well he did have a reason this time. Noah didn't get why Oliver couldn't just do it right now. It's not like he needed to be an hour-long sex session. He swung the car door open and slid out of the car, pulling his hood up as Oliver told him to do. Noah watched him do the same thing but with his Anonymous mask. Noah didn't quite understand, wasn't that mask a dead give-away.

"People will notice you," Noah muttered as they closed the car doors and started walking down to the store by the back entrance.

"That's the whole point." Oliver laughed and spun his gun around as if it was nothing. Noah stiffened as he realized what was happening. This wasn't just robbing, it was a genocide run. "You don't have to kill anybody, just let me have a little fun. You go get the groceries or something." Oliver patted his head and busted open the emergency exit/enter door. That alone caused chaos since now it was sounding the alarms to go off. Noah felt like he was standing in the middle of a tornado. He was the eye of the storm. Oliver cocked his gun and suddenly loud bangs filled the room. Noah flinched a little when he saw bodies drop to the floor and people screaming for their lives. Everything was appearing in slow motion. Every minute passed like an hour, he felt like he could see it all play out, the moves a second before they happened.

Suddenly, something was coming at him. He froze with fear and felt the impact in his gut, and then his shoulder. It all went fuzzy and white. The same ringing he once experienced in the convenience store. Finally, everything fell dark. No more pain, just stuck in the sweet limbo of nothing. Colors faded in and out and he was able to make out what he assumed was Oliver's frame hovering over him.

Somebody else had shot back, and took Noah down. Oliver only suffered a soft blow since he had already gotten so far away. This was the first time he ran away from a fight. Not because he feared for himself but for Noah, he couldn't lose Noah. The poor boy was bleeding all over Oliver and gasping for air. "Hey! Stay with me!" Oliver cried as he practically dashed to his car, swinging the door open and laying Noah down as gently and quickly possible. The police were going to arrive any second he had to leave and get out of the goddamn parking lot! He stomped his foot down on the gas, building up speed. So far no cop cars were in sight. It was good.

"Angel?" Oliver's voice was laced with worry. He felt like his whole world was crashing around him. He could fix him if he just got back in time. Noah had yet to respond with words but he was coughing and hacking. Everything burned and felt uncomfortable. "Just keep your eyes open, please, please, please. Don't close them." Oliver blared the horn although no cars were in sight, he was almost there. So close to the driveway he could feel it. He took a sharp turn left and drove slowly up the winding path to the large house.

"I've got you. It's okay, I can fix this! you aren't broken, not yet." Oliver was a mess, it felt worse than when he lost his grandmother. This was his fault. It was all his fault. Why couldn't he keep something alive for once? No, Noah wasn't dead yet, but he was slipping and falling away. Oliver could feel his presence disappearing. He had managed to carry him inside, wrapping him up in a towel and putting pressure on wherever the blood was coming from. Everything was moving a mile a minute. Not enough time, where is the time!

"I love you!" Silence.

"Say it back!" Silence again.

"I can't live without you!" Gone. He was gone. Why? Why, does everything have to move so quickly? Oliver couldn't accept it. Noah couldn't be dead...that was impossible. Or at least in his mind it was. It wasn't fair.

Well guess what Oliver, life isn't fair.   

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