Chapter 2

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 "So there was this one commoner kid from Hage who was rumored to have a four leaf clover -"

"Really!" Julius squealed with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, his wind magic completely flattened a noble."

"Ohhhhh." Julius squealed again.

"So William snatched him right up, and his friend had no magic at all. I couldn't detect any mana. Yet he had this strange sword that came out of his grimoire and he flattened a noble also." Clara explained.

Clara was in Magic Knights Headquarters reporting the trials to the Wizard King. Course the King pushed aside his duties to listen to his little prodige tell him about interesting types of magic. There were a few star winning people but he seemed the most interested in the two commoners from Hage.

"Yes, now sir. Since that's really all I had to share, I'm finished so I'll be headi-"

"Oh, stop Clara. Stay for a while! I'll have Marx bring you a tray of cheese." Julius pestered. He did this every time Clara found herself in or even near the Headquarters. Julius would aways find her and drag her back to his office to chat. It was a form of procrastination for Julius, and he would do anything to take time off his paperwork. Marx, Julius's advisor of sorts, would always get annoyed at Julius's antics. 

"But, sir. I really should be heading back to Vangeance."

"Just stay long enough until I get back!" Julius whined and Clara groaned. 'This guy is acting like a child... wait.' 

"Where are you going? You have paperwork to do!" Clara panicked as she noticed Julius stepping up to one of his open windows.

"A secret excursion! Stall for me will ya!" With that, he jumped out of his window and flew down towards Kikka. Clara groaned again and slumped in the seat she previously resided in with her head in her hands. From behind her, the door busted open and a set of footsteps came running in.

"Where did he go! I saw him fall past the downstairs window!" Marx panicked, Clara assumed his eyes were staring at the large pile of papers that laid on the Wizard King's desk.

"How should I know, he jumped out the window!"


Clara had eventually helped Marx track down Julius and have him return to Knights Headquarters before she took her leave. Once she returned to the Golden Dawn Headquarters, she was on her way to train with Vangeance, something they do often, before running into David Swallow. A lower ranked Golden Dawn member who was affable and very kind at heart. 

"Oh Lady Clara, are you alright? You seem out of breath. Have you been working too hard again?" He greeted while rolling a dice in between his fingers. He possessed a rare form of Dice magic which depending on how his dice rolls will access certain spells all to his benefit. A neat trick up the sleeve, but Clara rarely worked with him.

She waved her hand in reassurance that she was alright, giving him a kind smile, "Just an extra job came up at the Knights HQ, nothing too strenuous!"

"I see, well please do take some rest once in a while." David suggested before patting her shoulder and continuing his walk. 

Clara nodded before continuing her trek to the little forest area below the hill the Golden Dawn Headquarters sat upon. It was an area that her and Vangeance created themselves in order to both practice their Tree Creation Magic. Once she arrived, she spotted Vangeance easily as he was perched in a branch staring off at the horizon. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" She shouted up to him. Her Captain looked down at her and gave her a kind smile. 

"I didn't mind, I was just thinking about my strategy." 

Right then, Clara began to feel vibrations come from underneath her. She jumped immediately into a tree and missed the roots that erupted from underneath. Bringing out her grimoire, she smirked up at Vangeance. 

 "Playing dirty today, huh? Alright. Let's go!" She whipped her arm forward and from nowhere pellets of sharp sticks flying towards Vangeance. Woodland Bullets it was called. Vangeance missed them immediately and snuck into the shadows of the trees. He sent a wave of roots moving towards her again, but she dodged easily.

The two hopped through trees easily throwing the same moves at each other, Clara was beginning to get tired of the pattern so she decided to switch things up. 

     "Wooden Mallet!" She shouted, and a large mallet formed mid-air. with her arm, she controlled the mallet, swinging it through trees and demolishing the top halves of them. Leaves and twigs began to rain down on the area as she opened the playing field, but still no Vangeance in sight. 

"You can't hide forever, Captain!" 

Clara was so set on looking for him through the debris that she failed to see a root slithering up the branch she was on. She felt the mana and gasped, but it was too late. The root wrapped itself around her ankle and whipped her straight down, slamming her into the ground as more roots entwined themselves around her. She winced in pain at the ache in her back and ankle as Vangeance approached her. He stared down at her with that same small smile he always wears. 

"Looks like I win again." He said smugly. Clara stared up at him in annoyance, squirming a little to free herself from the roots but they only tightened. Her ankle began to throb. 

"Shut up, now can I get out? I think you broke my ankle." Clara groaned, straining her neck to get a look, but failing. Vangeance looked down at her leg, and she noticed the change in his expression. He immediately retracted the roots and helped the girl up. He summoned a small Budding of Yggdrasil and healed her ankle with the mana inside the branches. 

"You really need to find more offensive moves than your Dracanae Formation." Clara told her friend as he tended to her injury. 

"You have your ways, and I have mine." He simply stated. 

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