Chapter 11

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"It's time for us to show our guests just how unwelcome they are." Vangeance speaks beside Clara. 

The Golden Dawn just arrived at the northern border of the Clover Kingdom. Kiten had just been ambushed by three of the Diamond Kingdom's eight generals. The squad had only known because some 'anonymous notification' Vangeance had claimed. 

Clara yawned beside Vangeance as it was still very early in the morning. She could hear the egotistical laughs of the generals and their men before her and her team, and Clara only smirked to herself. 

Still perched on a roof beside Vangeance, Clara watched as the newbies and a few others marched into the fight. Yuno decided to take a general head on, and ended up defeating the crazed man along with whomever was behind the general with a simple tornado. 

"My, how impressive." Langris Vaude, the Vice Captain, spoke from the other side of Vangeance. "He's tearing the enemy apart." 

"And he's only going to get stronger." Vangeance replied as the three of them watch Yuno continue to use his wind magic to tear down mass amounts of Diamond warriors. 

"It's hard to believe a commoner's come so far within our ranks when he hasn't even been with us a year. His progress is staggering" Langris continues to sarcastically praise the boy. Clara gave the Vice Captain a side glance before returning her gaze back down towards the battle. 

"Now, what do you say we all go down there and join our newest recruit?" Vangeance suggested.  Clara yawned once more before stretching her arms and hands out in front of her.

"I agree, a good fight is just what I need to wake up." She piped up.

"Absolutely, sir." Langris agreed, and the three jumped down to the village floor to join the fight. 


Clara yawned once more as she and her squamates made their way through the halls of the Golden Dawn. She had failed to wake up from the battle of Kiten like she had planned to as Vangeance decided to steal the show and defeat the Diamond Kingdom all on his own. 

Clara reached the door to her chambers in the hall and opened it up. Front and center on her desk was an enormously large bouquet. In a crystal clear vase were blooming blue hydrangeas and violet lavenders. Large leaves that looked foreign to the Clover Kingdom stood tall and truly brought the bouquet to completion. Expensive. 

"Well, look what we have here. Seems you're quite a special one." Langris cooed from behind Clara. She could hear a few whispers of praise from behind her as she assumed the other knights have seen her 'gift'.

"Shut it, Langris." Clara snapped before taking a single step inside her room and slamming the door in the Vice-Captain's face. 

Sighing to herself, Clara walked over to the desk to closely inspect the bouquet. She walked around to the side that held her chair and window. Perched atop one of the hydrangeas was a note waiting for her return. Plucking it from the flower, she read the neat penmanship:

Heard of your success in Kiten. 

Congratulations, this is for your hard mornings work. 

Yours, Z. 

A small smile appeared on Clara's face as she read the note, and a small warmth filled her chest. Only for a moment she believed it to be real.

Rolling her eyes after a moments realization, Clara tossed the note on the desk and plopped down into her chair. She rubs her temples and gives out a tired sigh. 'This is all just for show. Meant to be seen. Fawned and nothing more.' She thought. 

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