Chapter 6

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"What do you mean the Royal Capital is under attack?" Fuegoleon asked. He was the first to speak from the group of Magic Knights. Majority still from shock stared at the man who bursted into the room just moments ago.

Clara's squamate, Siren, brought up his Stone Model of the World which presented the Royal Capital. Throughout the district, there were various fires and the civilians' screams could be heard throughout the map. As the first year knights gapped at the complexity of the spell, the others surveyed the areas of action. Clara has worked with Siren many times, and was used to the workings of his spell. 

"For troops with this much power to strike five different areas without us noticing..." Alecdora stated in disbelief. 

"A skilled Spacial Magic user must have transported them all inside simultaneously." Fuegoleon replied. 

"Even so, we have guardian mages maintaining the barrier day and night. They need to have had someone on the inside to be able to pull this type of attack." Clara states. The room pondered in silence at the thought of a traitor. 

Fuegoleon pinched his chin in thought, surveying the map more, "We need to decide how to best allocate our resources." 

"What's everyone waiting for!" Asta shouts out. Clara squinted her eyes shut and pressed her fingers to her temple with a grunt. The boy's shouting was quite annoying and a headache was beginning to form. 'This boy really need to control the volume of his annoying voice...'

She opened her eyes back wide when she heard the door slam open, and watched as the boy ran out of the room. 

"I'm just gonna go wherever it's loudest!" Asta yelled as he disappeared down the hall. 

"What are you, some kind of animal?" Klaus yelled after him, and shortly after Leo traipses after Asta to compete in battle. 

"What a bunch of idiots." Clara states, rubbing her temple to ease her headache. 

"Their unprofessional attitudes will cost them severely." Nozel spat at the retreating figures.

"Must you be such a child, Leo?" Fuegoleon sighed. 

As Fuegoleon discussed the plan of attack, it was made clear that Noelle will go with Fuegoleon after the two boys, securing them and making for the north. Nozel and his siblings will take the central district. Charlotte and her second will go east, and the Golden Dawn will split into two teams going west and northwest. Clara was placed to aid Alecdora, and the two new members Yuno and Mimosa. Riding on Yuno's cyclone, Clara and her team flew out of the window to aid the northwestern part of the district. 


Clara watched in surprise at how much damage was made during the attack. Fire was everywhere and there were people running from the swarms of enemies. The smoke from the surrounding fires darkened the sky. Even if it was only the middle of the day, the area looked as if it was nighttime. The group barely made it to the central square before Alecdora jumped from the cyclone, landing to the ground and raising sand fists at the enemies. 

"He always has to make a show out of it, doesn't he." Clara sighs to the others before jumping down after him. She summoned her wooden mallet mid air and landed with a thud. She immediately begins swinging at the closest enemies and slamming them into the nearest buildings. Yet she noticed that no matter how many times she knocked one down, they continued to get back up unharmed. Kept surging forwards for an attack. 

With a huff of frustration, Clara raised her grimoire. "Dracaena Formation!" She yelled, and vine like roots came surging towards the enemies. She scooped them up like dolls and restrained them tightly in midair, preventing them from moving. 

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