Chapter 5

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The room was sent to silence after the boy's statement. 'Did he... just say he's going to become the Wizard King?' Clara thought, too speechless to say anything at all. After a moment from shock, both Solid and Nebra began chuckling almost hysterically. 

"You, become Wizard King?" Alecdora asked. 

"A mere commoner?" Nebra scoffed, and then it began.

"You've got to be joking!  Sea Serpent's Coils!" Solid shouted out. his grimoire glowed in lightning blue as a water serpent spiraled out from the book. Charging itself towards the black bull boy, there was no sense of hesitation before the boy sliced the serpent in half with his sword, sending the serpent falling to the floor as mere water. 

"Impossible!" Solid spoke in disbelief. His sister Nebra approached behind him with her magenta book already prepared. 

"Mist Spider's Threads!" 

From her book, mist spouted into the air and filled half of the room and consuming the boy. Her magic too was slashed away and nullified from the sword. Clara stared in shock at the power this boy has. To not have magic is one thing, but to nullify magic changes the game completely. As Nozel's siblings gaped like fish at the boy's power, Alecdora raised his grimoire as well. 

"We'll take him. Sand Armored Guard!" From behind the boy sand errupted into the form go a giant knight. It's arms reached out and clamped the boy towards its chest. 

"Is this really necessary? I'm sure he's learned his lesson." Klaus spoke up as the boy struggled to escape the sand guard. 

"Did I ask you to speak?" Alecdora spat at him. 

"No, sir..." Klaus gasped out. Clara noticed the glance of desperation Klaus gave her. She could see it in his eyes, 'Do something!'

"Such behavior can not go unpunished. Especially when it interferes with a grand occasion like the Distinguished Service Ceremony banquet." Alecdora stated while Solid walks up beside him. 

"Now now, why so gentle? Don't tell me the Golden Dawn's going soft Alecdora." Solid cooed, "Restraining him is not enough. Presumptuous fellows like this needs their lessons beaten into them." 

Clara tapped her foot in anticipation of the fate of the black bull boy. She barely heard Noelle's screams at Solid as she turned to Nozel at her side. Grabbing the sleeve on his arm tightly, she gave him a stern look as he glanced down at her. His brows furrowed but she motioned to his brother who was about to obliterate a kid. 

"Stop him! This has gone too far." She whispered to him.

"The boy seems to be doing just fine on his own, for a commoner." He murmured to her. She glanced back to see that the boy conjured up a second sword, and escaping both the sand armor and Solid's water bullet, reflecting it back at him.

"Now apologize!" the boy yelled as the water bullet hit Solid. He flew back a few yards and ended up on his knees before the boy. Clara's eyes widened in shock at the mocking scene. A commoner had sent a royal to kneel before him. She was shocked at the audacity that the boy had over literally everyone in the room. She watched as Solid gulped before standing back up in a rage. 

"You'll pay for striking back at me!" He yelled, and the two stared off in the middle of the banquet hall. 

Nozel gently pulled his arm from Clara's grasp that was still on his sleeve. She looked over at his figure while he made his way over to the two. 'Finally!' she thought as a cold chill ran over her body as the room's temperature depleted immensely. 

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