Chapter Fourteen: The autumn masquerade

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Four years of complete bliss. Heatwave and I have had four years of pure bliss together. I still have my job as an animal carer, Heatwave is still with his team and, finally, I've warmed up to the whole town. I guess the new job helped with that. However, right now, I've been called in by Mayor Luskey and his wife to help with their dog. I know what was up because I've been visiting them regularly.

They recently got a male dog for Poopsie and I'll let your imagination run free as to what happened next. Poopsie was having her puppies right now so I was needed. To make matters worse for me, it was raining and I had nothing to use to keep dry except my hood. I never once got rid of my old outfit but Heatwave gave me a newer one for my birthday last year. That's besides the point!

I got to the Mayor's house, told him, his wife and the other dog out the room and I'd handle the rest. I let Poopsie do her thing and intervened when the puppies arrived so I could clean them and put them in blankets. And now, Poopsie was the mother of five beautiful puppies. I let everyone else in to meet the new puppies while I went to the side letting them have a moment.

"Oh, thank you for looking after my dear little Poopsie," Mrs Luskey said hugging me.

"It was nothing, Mrs Luskey. Poopsie did most of it herself. She's one brave little dog," I told her.

"Is there a way to repay you for this?" She asked, no longer hugging me.

"Oh, no. Don't trouble yourself with stuff like that. I do this for the simple reason that I love animals and would do anything for them."

"Miss (L/N), I plan to host an Autumn Masquerade fairly soon. Would you be our special guest as a thank you for what you've done here today?" Mayor Luskey asked.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry Mr Mayor but I'm not one for parties and, besides, I don't know what a masquerade is. It's silly really."

"A masquerade is a masked party. Everyone will be in costumes and masks. It'll be fun," Mayor Luskey explained.

"I'll think about it but there's no guarantee I'll go."

I went back to the animal shelter where I complained to my co-worker, Lena, about the weather while we played with some of the dogs. She asked about Poopsie and I told her that she and the puppies were fine and Mayor Luskey's offer to be a special guest at the Autumn Masquerade.

"I told him I'd think about it but I'm not actually gonna go," I told her.

"(Y/N)! You're refusing an offer of a lifetime! Even the Burns family aren't as lucky as you!" She said.

"I hate parties."

"I'll be there."

"I'm not going."

"What if your boyfriend went?"

"Heatwave is not one for parties either. Even if he was the one to invite me I wouldn't go. I may have grown more comfortable with the people on this island, I'm not comfortable at social gatherings."

"You'll never be comfortable at social gatherings if you don't go to one. Tell you what, if you go, I'll make your costume. Absolutely free."

"I'm still not going."

My shift ended and I went to the firehouse to see everyone and told them about the offer Mayor Luskey gave me and told them I wasn't going. Like Lena, they were in disbelief that I refused the Mayor's offer but I told them exactly what I told Lena. Heatwave looked deep in thought which slightly worried me.

Over the weeks, Lena has been begging me to go to the masquerade and I kept saying no until I finally gave in and said yes. Lena made our costumes. She made a red fox dress for me and a realistic-looking fox mask while she made a barn owl costume. The day of the masquerade arrived and I was nervous. There definitely was a large crowd here.
(You're costume and mask)

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