Chapter Four: Responsibilities

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It's been about four months since I said goodbye to Foxy who I've finally named (Y/N) and I'm actually missing her. I still feel responsible for her. But, as she said, you always feel responsible for what you've tamed. I shouldn't have left her alone but where would she stay in the firehouse? I can't think about this now.

I've left her and I can't go get her. If I brought her here, someone would find her eventually and then how would I explain a girl dressed as a fox living, uninvited at the firehouse? I don't think I could. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the emergency alarm went off. Everyone hurried to their partners and Chief told us what the emergency was.

A fire started in the forest. Hold on, where?! Now I regret my decision of leaving her. Once my human partner, Kade, got in the driving seat, I said my rally cry desperately and we drove to the forest. I was going faster than normal, going well over the speed limit, desperate to get to the forest.

"Heatwave, is there something wrong?" Chase asked through the comlink.

"I'll explain later!" I told him and closed the com.

"Heatwave. I've known you long enough to know this isn't like you," Kade said.

"I have my reasons. We need to get there fast."

We arrived at the forest and transformed to deal with the problem. The fire was uncomfortably close to where (Y/N) and I would meet so this was worrying. Boulder and Graham tried their best to cut off the fire, Chase and Chief Burns made sure everyone who was in there got out, Blades and Danny took care of the fire from above and Kade and I took care of it down below.

I watched over the people who came out and noticed (Y/N) wasn't among them. I heard a fox bark from further in and I stopped tackling the fire. I took the hose Kade was using and ran in as I heard everyone calling after me. I used the rest of my water reserves to find my little fox. The barks started to get weaker so I had to go faster. I found her outside a hole under a giant tree barely staying on her feet.

I picked her up and put her in the passenger seat inside my chest and got her out of the forest. What was to come next was my biggest worry. If a human is ever injured, Blades and Danny would take them to the hospital to be checked up. We can't take her there because I'm afraid that she'll freak out and try to escape.

And besides, considering what she is, someone will want to experiment on her. I can't let that happen. We got the fire under control and Chief Burns confronted me as to why I ran in with no warning. I gave in and told the truth and told him we couldn't take her to the hospital because of my fear. I gave him a small briefing of her but Chief agreed to take her to the firehouse. When we arrived, I set her on the couch since she passed out not long after I rescued her. She laid down strangely though.

"So Heatwave, care to tell us why she's so important to you?" Chief Burns asked.

"She believes she's a fox and I've started to believe she is part fox," I told everyone, "I found her when I went for a walk in the forest because I needed a calm space to think about the fox case. She found me first. I asked her to walk with me to try to be friendly because she was very distant. She told me no and that she wasn't tamed so I tamed her and we became close. That's why I neglected a lot of the rescues for a while. I also learned that she is the fox that took the chickens, destroyed the wheat field and made a mess of the town."

"You keep calling her a fox when she's clearly human," Chief told me.

"I've observed how she acts and it's almost like she was born this way. Her hearing is better than any human I've met, her sense of smell is incredible, she can run as fast as a fox and what's both amazing and disgusting is that she can eat raw meet with no problems and she's never been ill. And look at how she's lying down."

Everyone looked at her.

"She looks like a dog lying down on its side," Cody said.

"Despite what she is, that doesn't mean what she did isn't a crime," Chief said.

"She was untamed and she was doing what she had to do to survive," I told him, "she couldn't ignore her instincts."

"You're acting very protective towards her, Heatwave," Chase said.

"Because I'm responsible for her. You always feel responsible for what you've tamed."

"When did you become so wise?" Kade asked.

"Since I met her..."

Hours later, (Y/N) woke up. I went up to her to tell her where she was and that she was safe. I introduced everyone to her while she sat with her legs crossed and her hands in front of her on the couch. Almost just like a fox or a dog. I also told her the name I picked for her and she was satisfied with it. Blades liked her a lot. He petted her a lot which she like and she was always acting cute when he petted her. Still not sure what Chief Burns thinks about her. I guess I'll have to find out soon.

(A/N: well, this was a weird chapter. See you next chapter)

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