Chapter Ten: I'm coming home

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I've been followed by drones for what felt like hours. After Coronal Quarry tested my abilities in the arena, he let me go into the jungle alone. It wasn't long until I heard the drones following me. I've been hiding from them for god knows how long. I am praying that the bots will come and find me soon. I'm hating this. And I used to live something like this before Heatwave tamed me.

I don't know what Coronal Quarry's intentions are and I don't want to find out. Once the drones finally left, I wandered around to find a tree to make my temporary den under. I found one and dug under making a den which I finished at sundown. I gathered as many leaves as I could and made a bed out of them. I need to get off this island without Coronal Quarry noticing. But how?

With those drones constantly scanning the place, I can barely do a thing. That's how it feels anyway. Morning came and I went hunting to see if I could find anything to ear since I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. All I managed to find was a bird. I need to get off this island. But I hate water so I can't swim away and, besides, I can't swim.

I could attempt to build a raft but I'll need to find wood to make it. And I'll need to do it without Quarry noticing. This should be fun. I searched the jungle for fallen down trees to use as the base and vine to bind it together. The vine wasn't difficult to find but there were no fallen down trees anywhere. But even if I did find some, how would I cut them down to size?

Quarry should have something but I'd have to sneak there without getting noticed by cameras. I have no doubts that he has them. This is the 21st century, practically everyone has a security camera. It just makes my life harder. I snuck around Quarry's base to see many places to keep the equipment I need. There are cameras though.

Still not surprised. I got rid of them the best way I could: I threw rocks at them. I would sneak past them if they weren't EVERYWHERE! But, hey, beggars can't be choosers. I found a chainsaw and started to use that to cut down trees. As much as it pained me to do that but I have to get off this island. I didn't want trees too big so I cut down the smaller ones and hopefully, that would also avoid suspicion for a while.

I hope.

With the light I had left because I spent most of my day making barely any progress, I got the raft built. I just hope it floats. I waited until nightfall to escape which felt like an eternity. When it finally came, I put the raft on the water and pushed it out. I reluctantly went into the water and climbed on and started paddling away. That's when I started to think this was a little too easy. Well, it was his fault for releasing me into the wild. You can do a lot of things in the wild. Especially when you're a human fox.

(Time skip)

I couldn't see the island by now. It's been days since I escaped and all I've seen is hundreds of miles of water. I thankfully packed water before I left and I've been having a mouthful of water a day. I get lucky with food. Sometimes. Catching the fish I could see wasn't easy but I managed. Barely. It has been goodness knows how long and I'm starting to hate this.

I decided to have a nap on my raft and, hours later, I heard a horn. I looked up to see something I've wanted to see for days; a boat! More specifically, the ferry that is usually at Griffin Rock. I was helped onboard and was asked numerous questions. Who was I, am I alright, how long I've been on that raft, etc.

I answered everything and asked if the boat was headed towards Griffin Rock. The captain said yes and I asked him to call Charlie and tell him I'm coming home. Once we got closer to Griffin Rock, the captain did as I asked and everyone was there to meet me when the ferry docked. I knew who I wanted to see most and he was in his holoform. Finally stepping on dry land, I ran up to him and hugged him and he hugged back.

"I missed you," I said.

"I missed you too, my little fox," he said, "We never stopped trying to find you."

"I don't doubt that," I separated the hug to look at him, "Heatwave, I know what happened to me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain when we get to the firehouse."

We went to the firehouse and told everyone who I was and what happened that made me become half fox. They were shocked to hear this just like I was when I first found out.

"So... are we calling you Charlotte now or...?" Charlie was clearly confused.

"I'd prefer (Y/N) but... I definitely like (L/N) as a last name."

"(Y/N) (L/N). It suits you," Heatwave said.

"Thanks, Heatwave," I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating, Heatwave?" Kade asked, "'cause you almost act like it."

I was... confused. Why did this suddenly pop up? I know what dating is but how would it work between a human fox and a robot? I don't think it would. I mean, I like Heatwave more than a friend but, again, how would that work? I'm home now and that's all I care about. I'm with my family and I couldn't ask for more.

(A/N: I wasn't sure what exactly to write so here ya go. See you next chapter)

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