Chapter Seven: The camping trip

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Sad times are ahead for me. It's been two and a half winters since I joined the Burns family and the bots and it's nearly my time to leave. I don't want to but I don't have much of a choice. I've been making the most of my life lately and everyone has been confused as to why. I haven't told them it's nearly my time because I don't want to cause a fuss.

No one should make a fuss over a small fox like me. This week, we were all going camping for the week. A nice break for the family and the bots. Back home for a week. That'll be nice. Everyone set up their tents while I gathered a pile of leaves to sleep on outside. I didn't mind since I slept like that for a while before I made my den under a dead willow tree.

"Are you sure you wanna sleep outside (Y/N)?" Cody asked.

"I slept outside before I met you guys so, yes, I'm sure," I said.

"I kinda thought you'd be in a tent because you've been acting more human since we met," Graham said.

"I'm still half fox, Graham. Really anywhere is comfortable for sleeping."

For most of the week, I slept on the leaves but always ended up waking up in Heatwave's vehicle mode. Why, not too sure but it happened every night. But then, one day, my life would change forever. We were having lunch when I heard something in the distance. It wasn't unusual to hear something in the forest but I was being weary just in case. Chase noticed my behaviour and asked what was wrong. I told him I heard something but it was probably nothing. I lied to a police officer. Anything can happen in the forest especially to a fox. I looked around and saw something among the trees that was dangerous.

"Everyone, do me a favour and run," I said calmly still looking into the trees.

"What is it?" Heatwave asked.

"Doesn't matter, just run."

Everyone was protesting when the danger revealed itself. It was a big grizzly bear. I shouted 'run' and I held it off. Clawing at it, biting it and tackling it to try to protect my family. I knew the bots couldn't intervene since I was in the middle of this. I was clawed at, bitten and thrown about by the bear but I didn't back down.

Not even at my age. I soon ran off to regain my strength a bit and I ended up near a waterfall with a fallen tree across it. The bear caught up with me and hurt me more. It threw me on the tree and tried to attack me once more but I just barely dogged it and the bear broke the tree making us fall. The last thing I remember is calling out for Heatwave and I hit the water and I blacked out.

Heatwave's POV:

I was worried now. I heard (Y/N) call out my name and then silence. We just arrived at the waterfall and neither the bear or her were there. I then realized what happened. I transformed and sped to the river below. Once I arrived, I activated my holoform and went into the river to find her. I found her not too far away from the bear which was dead. Now I was scared.

I took (Y/N) to the surface and she wasn't breathing. No one was around so I tried CPR for the first time. She spat out some water and coughed violently. Her clothes were ripped and stained with blood and she couldn't even stay awake after she spat out the water. I'll have to take her to the hospital. There's no excuse. I put her in my vehicle mode and drove to the hospital making sure I had my sirens on.

I took her in and told the doctors what happened but lied a bit. All I told them were that she was attacked by a bear and fell down a waterfall but I didn't tell them that she fought it. They went to treat her and I was left in the waiting room. I got a call from the rest of the team and told them where I was and what was happening with (Y/N).

They told me they were going to pack up the camping equipment and they would meet me at the hospital. This will be the first time they'll see my holoform but I didn't care about that. (Y/N) was important at the moment. Soon I was allowed to see her. She was covered in bandages and attached to a machine that was telling us her heart rate. She looked awful.

"She took a serious beating and she's had multiple stitches. But, I'm afraid she might not make it," the doctor told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"She was very weak when she came in for a woman who is young and healthy. We are doing all we can to keep her alive."

The doctor left us alone and a sat on a chair by her side. I hated seeing her like this. And the thought of her dying made me feel sad. No, sad is an understatement. There are no words to describe how I feel about losing her. I like her so much, losing her would just be awful. No, like is another understatement.

I think I love her.

I've seen enough romance movies to know what love is but I always thought it was stupid. I suppose that's all changed now. She is my life now. She's wasn't like any of the other humans or foxes anymore. I tamed her and now she was unique, at least to me and I had to take of her but it seems I haven't done a good job. I mean, look at her. She's in bandages and attached to a machine to try to keep her alive. (Y/N) suddenly woke up and looked at me.


"(Y/N)! Stupid question but, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Just as awful before the bear arrived."

"Why were you feeling awful before?"

"Because I'm dying."


"Foxes don't live very long, Heatwave. I'm almost at the end of my lifetime."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't want you to make a fuss."

"You were dying and you never told us. What were you expecting us to do when you eventually died?"

"I guess you'd have to figure it out yourselves. I wasn't worrying about it because I still had half a winter left."

"You should've told us anyway. You are important to us."

"I'm just a fox."

"But you're unique," I laced my fingers through her hair and my palm was on the side of her face, "and there's nothing wrong with that. That's why we accepted you for who you are."

The Burns family arrived and I told everyone the news. Their reaction was the same as mine. Shocked. As the days went by, (Y/N) became worse and worse. I was visiting her today and she just looked awful.

"Heatwave... it's time for me to go," she said.

"No. No, no, no. No, it's not. You are going to get better. You will survive, I know you will," I'm trying to stay positive for both her sake and myself.

"I know it's my time... do me a favour... don't mourn me when I'm gone... just live and forget me..."

"But how? You've changed my life forever."

"...Then remember me for that... But don't mourn me because then that change... will never be proven..."

"(Y/N)... how did you imagine dying?" I wanted to see if I could make whatever she had in mind a reality.

"I always imagined... laying with the one who tamed me..."

I carefully moved her and laid next to her. She smiled and cuddled up to me, putting her head in the crook of my neck. I put one arm around her and the other I used to stroke her hair. I laid there for a while until I heard her heart stop on the monitors. For the first time, I cried. I went to tell the doctors what happened but they already knew considering I was crying.  I watched them take the machinery off her and covered her with a sheet. I told everyone at the firehouse that she was gone and everyone was sad to hear. I stayed in (Y/N) room for the rest of the day hugging the outfit I first saw her in. I never thought I'd feel this way towards a human. Or a human fox for that matter. I will forever miss her.

(A/N: I'm cruel, I know.)

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