Chapter Three: Goodbyes

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All night I've been thinking about that girl. Now that I've tamed her, what is she to me now? And what can I name her? She's probably as mysterious as the case. Was that even her? I mean, she likes chickens and she didn't care about wheat so all the evidence leads to her. I'll ask her in the morning.

But I have to make sure no one follows me or finds her. She can't be found by anyone. Well, I found her but the forest is her home and she is scared of hunters. I would bring her to the firehouse but where would I keep her and out of the way from everyone else?

She might draw too much attention in the firehouse. Especially with Blades. Knowing him, he will not leave her alone. Anyway, I will have to ask her questions of what's been having the past week to see if it really was her. I went into the forest again and searched for her but she wasn't around.

"Hello again," I heard her say from behind me.

I turned to see her hiding behind a tree.

"I thought you were a hunter. Sorry," she apologised.

"I understand," I assured her.

She asked if I had a name for her yet but I told her I didn't. As we walked, I interrogated her.

"You said you didn't care about the wheat fields yesterday. Did you destroy the wheat field last week?" I asked.

"I had to hide to hunt the chickens there so I used the wheat field. I won't do it now though. It now reminds me of you and your eyes."

"Why do you like chickens so much?"

"They're delicious," she said in a low, dreamy voice, "but, ever since that farmer put something all over his field, I can't get close to them because it smells so bad. Now I've been rummaging through the garbage to find something to eat. I'm a picky eater so I haven't eaten for a while."

I think I have my answers. Wow, she has a hard life. I offered to give her food daily if she would stop rummaging through bins, making a mess and hunt the chickens on the farm. She said yes if I'd bring her raw chicken. Wait. Raw? Isn't that unhealthy for humans? I mean, I'll do it, but I'm worried about her health.

I quickly got what she asked for and brought it to her. I asked her how she ate it and she showed me. Ate it raw, practically ripping it to shreds. It was disgusting but she didn't cringe. She ate it quickly since she hadn't eaten in days. And that's how we spent our time months after that. I came to feed her and we got to know each other a lot more.

She did as I asked and didn't cause a commotion in town anymore so her case was dropped. I never told anyone else about her and I also still didn't have a name for her. I wanted it to be perfect so, for now, I'm calling her Foxy or my little fox for now. Ever since I tamed her, I've neglected most of my missions just to spend time with my little fox.

Unfortunately, my team was getting concerned and called Optimus about my behaviour and he came to visit. I tried to explain to him that I was doing something important but he told me that missions should come first and that whatever was important can easily wait. I can't argue with him. He's a prime. Sad, I went into the forest and told Foxy I had to say goodbye. For good.

"I think I'm going to cry," she said as she sat in a tree, away from me.

"I didn't want to make you unhappy, but you asked me to tame you," I said.

She slightly nodded, "I know."

"Then I haven't done you much good, have I? It's all been a waste of time."

She shook her head, "no. Because you wasted so much time on me... you made me feel very important."

"But now I feel sort of responsible for you," I told her.

"I should've warned you that would happen," she said with a smile looking at me, "you always feel responsible for what you've tamed."

She looked away again and we sat in silence.

"Goodbye my little fox," I said and left.

I was walking through a field of flowers half an hour later when she ran up to me with something in her hand.

"I brought you a present. It's a secret..." she lifted a small piece of paper up at me, "... so I wrote it down."

I took it from her and kneeled to her height. I hugged her the best I could and she did the same before I had to leave her for good. It was hard because I've known her for so long but there was nothing I could do. My little fox was the most important thing in the world to me and now I'll never see her again. I thought that would be that last time I saw her but, one day, I saw her sitting in the wheat field that was unharmed. She kept her promise. That's when I remembered I never read her secret. As soon as I got back from a mission, I read the small note. I'm surprised she knew how to write. It said:

'It's only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential is invisible to the eye.'

Not entirely sure what she meant by that but I kept it with me all the time. She was right. I feel responsible for her because I tamed her but there's no way I'm bringing her to the firehouse now. Chief Burns probably wouldn't allow it anyway. Everything was now officially back to normal. Not that I liked it now that I've left my little fox. I guess that's just the harsh reality.

(A/N: what did ya think of this chapter? I'm cruel, I know but the story's not over. I'll see you next chapter)

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