Cab : (horrifically shouts ) nooo!! Actually I want to tell something about her ( he said pointing towards Nandini ) she.. is. ..

Man : cabir from when did you start stammering ? Come on don't beat around the bush , tell us clearly

Cab : ohky , so listen , she is my cutie , my sister

Man : (shockingly ) when did this happen ??

Cab : (closing his eyes ) In college

Fab-4 : whaaattttt?


In evening
A boy is struggling with some goons and a girl is coming from another side from her college when she say that boy in that condition she plays a ringtone of police siren and by listening that all the goons ran away

Girl : hey!! are you ohky??(she asked with concern )

Boy : thanks for helping me miss..?

Girl : My name is Nandini Murthy (she said with genuine smile) in between why were they troubling you ??

Boy : hey !! My name is cabir Dhawan (he said dramatically while forwarding hand for handshake) they were troubling me because they were trying to snatch a girl's purse and I helped her so she escaped and I myself got trapped by them(he said casually)

Nan : you know my appa always said one thing to me that if you help others without being selfish or without thinking about the further consequences then nothing wrong will happen to you , you might get into trouble but you got saved by the almighty , it's his way to test their favourite ones ( she said while feeling each and every word of it )

Cab : looks like I'm in the good book of almighty (he said in a playful manner )

Nan : (gets confused by his words and made all type of cute faces ) means??

Cab : (pulls her cheek ) Aww my god look at you , you are so cute , all I was saying that I did good work by helping her and God sent you to protect me so that's means I'm his favourite (he said proudly )

Nan : (playfully ) you are such a dramatic person , you know it can also be possible that I'm god's favourite and he wants to test me , that's why you was in trouble??

Cab : (impressed by her humor ) but there is always a reward when you are god's favourite , so tell me what did you get as a reward
Nan : (thinks for sometime as she feel some strange type of connection with him ) maybe a good friend like you??

Cab : Noo !! I don't consider you as my friend , you are not my friend (he said faking anger )

Nan : ( feeling guilty ) I'm sorry I was trying to make a new friend.

Cab : (he sat down on his knees ) so Nandini I want to say that is I never met a girl like you , you reminds me of someone very special which is close to my heart , so Nandini Murty that's why I don't want you as my friend but as my sister , so miss Nandini will you do the honour to be my sister for lifetime ( he said dramatically yet geniunely)

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