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# (A/N) yeay a double update! Hope you like it



Hitoshi POV

"Hitoshi..." I gulp while trying to avert my eyes from Izuku who is currently emitting strong killing intense in the room "who did thid to you?" did it become like this? oh well let's go back to a few hours ago.

Aizawa and I decide to went to Hosu since Aizawa was called by one of his colleague and he decide to brought me there.

While we were inside the train something really big crash onto the train, alerting the passengers, Aizawa and me who is currently at the destroyed wagon. "'s this thing again, Shinso stand back and evacuate people from the train" Aizawa grumbled while he ordered me to evacuate the passenger. He seems to know about the villain, I was reluctant to leave him but I need to save the others too.

So I turn my back, let Aizawa deal with the villain and evacuate the passenger.

I was leading people to a safety zone when I heard a booming sound a few metres away from my place. I don't know what happen but my feet just moved and I arrived at an alley.

There, I saw two 1-A students Iida and Todoroki, and a senior I guess? were fighting with an unknown guy.

"You kids stand back, you don't have your license yet! don't be reckless" said the blond hair senior.

"I can't do that Mirio senpai! this is my fight" Iida said while still struggling to get on his feet. Todoroki was also trying to block the incoming attack from the villain.


"Oh...another kid? what a -"


"Wha-" the villain fall down and he didn't move an inch from his place, I made it "Senpai please be hurry! I don't know how much longer I could hold him"

The blond senior nod his head and he knock the villain unconscious "phew...we manage to stop him" Mirio, of I'm not wrong, tied the villain's hand on his back.

"I can do this on my own! this is my business" I look at the furious Iida who finally stood up after the villain was dealt with.

"Iida what you're doing just now was reckless, I know that you want to avenge your brother. But what would your brother think if you came back to him with an injury or even dead. Do you want him to be sad?" Mirio stare at Iida and Iida lowered his head.

"Iida if you want to be a hero you need to learn these things. You only fight the hero killer because you want revenge, that's not how a hero should do" Mirio sigh and Iida said sorry to him.

"WATCH OUT!" I turn around only to be grab by a big flying creature. The creature was gripping my shoulders tightly and I think their claws was deep inside my shoulders. I try to wiggled out and used my quirk but nothing happens since it didn't even talk.

And then the grip was loosen, I saw some one punch the creature while I was falling down. Something wrapped around my body. Aah Aizawa's scarf "hey kid! are you okay?"

Ughh I'm getting sleepy "W-what happen~" I slurs my words "I'm so sleepy~" I close my eyes and the last thing I heard was Aizawa shouting at me.

And~ that brought us to this.

"Don't worry Izuku, I think the villain is captured" I waved my hands in front of my chest "I'm also fine you see"

Izuku stares at me before, tears appears on his eyes and he cries "I thought...I lost you" He was crying while trying to wipe off his tears with the tip of his neon green sweater. His cried attract the attention of the other people inside the room, Todoroki, Iida, and Mirio. The three of them glared at me.

I sigh and grab Izuku's hand and drag him closer gently, I hug him and try to stop him crying "I'm sorry okay, I was...caught off guard for a moment. But I'm okay now" I pat his back gently trying to calm him down.

"Okay" there was only sniffling sound, I guess he calmed down "but I think I need to tell Aizawa to train you harder"

"Since when did you turn into a sadist Izuku?" Izuku grin mischievously at me.

"I'm always a sadist Hitoshi, I just never show it to anybody" I scoff at him but pat his hair in the end. Sigh, what have I gotten my self into.

Izuku POV

It's been three days since the Hosu incident and the kids were allowed to go back to their internship work. Oh and by the way, Aizawa has added Hitoshi training schedule.

The credit from the fight with Stain, or should I say Chizome, was given to Endeavour and Mirio. Well Aizawa was there too but he refused to be publicised. And since Mirio has his license he can be given credit since he help as well.

Hitoshi, Shoto and Iida was not punished.


"What can I help you sir Nezu?" I clamp my phone between my ears and shoulder while I continued to fix some gears in front of me.

"Did you forget what you're going to do today Izuku?" I stop my hand and furrowed my eyebrows thinking seriously what could I forget "*sigh* you need to do test and fill in some paperwork before you officially become an assistant teacher"

"Oh right! What time is it again?"

"8:45 a.m" I glance at my pocket watch and gasp, it's 8:30!

"I'll be ready in five minutes" I cut off the line and immediately bolt out of the room. I grab everything randomly from my closet and left my dorm in five minutes. I arrived at the teacher dorm and saw Nezu was drinking his tea with power loader.

"Sorry if I'm late!"

"Woah! look like a rainbow Izuku" I raised my eyebrow when power loader pointed at me while laughing. I look down and finally realised what happen. I was wearing my usual red shoes, a violet sock with different length, dark green shorts, an oversized yellow neon jumper and I also wear a blue baseball cap with a pink sunglasses.

I groan annoyedly at this "ugh I'm in a's okay I'll be a fashion terrorist for a day" both of them laugh at that.

After Nezu finished his tea he took me to the test location and wait for me to finished it for two hours, awww he cares. Oh well now I have officially have my teaching assistant license, the only thing I need now is to make my hero costume.

I argued for quite a while with Nezu about why I must have a hero costume, in the end he just shrug it off and told me it was just like a formality. I sigh at that I'll make it by myself later and show it to him two days later.

What a pain.

Hero? Villain? Which one do you think I am?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя