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Izuku POV

Today is the day. I'm going to apply my self as a general education student at U.A. I choose U.A because it is my dream school since I'm a kid.

I just love the school not because of the hero course. I applied my self as Uzi Moriya an orphan kids whose family are deceased, I only write two of my quirks at the applications my Halo and Freeze. I didn't write Anima because I just like that to be my trump card while Teleportation will always be a secret. I don't want my life to be at stake.

I stand in front of the gate before I enter it. Today I wear my favourite soft green oversized cardigan with a plain white shirt under it. A black short with black suspenders. I wears my white knee length sock with my favourite bright red sneakers.

I know that every body was using their school uniform but I'm a homeschooler so I don't need to wear a uniform.

I arrived at the test location and look for a seat. I look around the area and saw a rather amusing scene. I saw a boy around my age with a messy thick purple hair, he has an eye bags under his eye that makes him look like he hadn't had enough sleep for a week. If I don't know that Eraserhead was still single I'll surely think that the boy is his son. He look exactly like than underground hero duplicate.

I look back to the front and the devil just appeared. Eraserhead stand in front of the podium while explaining about the examination rules.

After he say start I can hear paper flipping noise filling the room. I glance at my paper a bit before I begin to write my answers.

I'm a genius and this test only took me 20 minutes to finish and 10 minutes to do a fake double check -don't want to attract any unnecessary attention now we?-

After another 10 minutes gone I decided that it's okay to turn in my paper. I'm bored already. I stand up from my seat without making any noise and walk to the front.

I saw Eraserhead was sleeping on his yellow sleeping bad I knock the table lightly to catch his attention. I saw his eyes flutter and he look me with his sleepy and bored look "I'm done"

Eraserhead look at me for a while "you can go kid. Don't do anything that can disturb the exam" he dismissed me before he go back to sleep.

I just shrug it off and leave the room quietly before anyone could notice.

I toured my self around the school and stumble into someone or something. "Are you okay young man"

Great in front of me is the U.A principal it self "I-I'm so sorry. I was looking around and didn't you there" I try to look polite and nervous at the same time.

"It's okay young man. But may I know why are you out early?" The mouse hybrid look at me with his signature smile.

"Ah! I finished the writing test early and decided to look around the school" I scratch my head wanting to leave from the sadistic principal right away.

"I see what course are you taking? Is it hero course? With your wings I bet it will be useful"

Hero? "I'm taking the general education course sir. I'm not taking the hero course" Fish! What should I do now? I'm screwed he must be suspicious of me now.

"Why not hero? I think your quirk will be useful" he look at me calculatingly.

"It's a personal reason sir. But not that I don't like hero I just...uhh I just want to be normal" great a genius in academy but messed up with social interaction. I'm screwed.

But then the bell to end the exam rang and it save my sorry soul. "I need to go now sir the physical test will be held after this" I hope he won't stop me.

"Sure sure...good luck" and then he left me at the hall and I release a relief sigh. I turn my back and go to the physical test site and change my casual clothes into a more comfortable sport clothing.

The test for gen Ed was quite easy they only do a 50 meter run, throwing ball, side jump, push ups and sit ups. And I guess I ace all of them just with my pure strength.

Well I don't have big muscles but I train hard, my strength and stamina was above average if I can say.

After finishing with the test I change back my clothes and walk slowly through the hall. I can't believe I'm at U.A right now. Mommy can you see me up there? Don't worry mommy I'm going to bring father and his other friends under the bar, please wait for it mommy.

While thinking about my mommy I bumped into someone, just before my butt touch the ground a white cloth wrapped around me and catch me from falling. I look at my saviour and saw my one and only favourite idol, Eraserhead.

I saw him at the test just now and meeting him again after that must be fate, he let go of me before balancing me on the ground "ah! I'm sorry I was careless and didn't see you just now" I bow at him while apologising.

"No worries just be careful next time" he stop and look at me before walking a way. But before he disappeared from my sight I called him right away. I can't let my one and only chance slip away.

"Sir! Please wait" I jog to him before stoping in front of him.

"What do you want kid I'm going to be late for the examination" right he must be monitoring the hero course, wonder which class will he teach.

"Can I ask for your autograph sir? I know you are Eraserhead and I'm a big fan of yours" I wait for his answer nervously. I can feel that he is confused. My body and wings start to stiffen under the tense atmosphere.

"How do you know me? I'm an underground hero not many people knows about me"

"I found a video of you sir and I also sometimes noticed you helping other hero. And because I'm very observant I can tell that it was you from the first meet" well I'm not wrong, the video is mine of course and I'm not stupid enough to not recognise my one and only idol.

"*sigh* give me your book and pen" I brighten up immediately and took out my small notebook from my pouch and a black pen from my back pocket. He sign the paper and ask for my name "Uzi Moriya sir" he stop on his track for a while before continuing.

"Thank you sir I'm going to leave first have a nice day" I bolt from him and went outside U.A immediately.

I open my notes and look at the signature. I finally got his autograph. I walk back home while skipping happily.

Hero? Villain? Which one do you think I am?Where stories live. Discover now