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Izuku POV

It's been a year since My mommy died and I leave on the street.

6 month ago I finally develop my wings and let me tell you it hurt so much. Right now my Halo is shining more brightly and my wings is 4 ft long from the corner to the tips, when I flip the wings close it practically drag on the street.

Aside from my Halo quirk I have mastered my teleportation and Anima quirk. I can basically use teleportation to send me anywhere I want if I know the place name. As for Anima I usually turn into cats, puppies or some church bird to hides.

Beside training my quirks I do some helping jobs on a local kitchen while getting some food from them.

I used Uzi as my name. If anybody ask about my family name I just say that I'm an orphan.

I know that the police and heroes are looking for me, I've found a missing poster with a picture of me when I haven't developed my quirks. But now with my quirks my appearance change a bit and it actually helps me look like another person. My usual emerald green eyes now both turn into a beautiful toxic green. My plain green hair was now more lighter and a tips of dark yellow can be seen. And because of my Halo quirk it makes me more different that my old appearance.

"Here is your food ma'am have a nice day" I'm currently doing my volunteer job right now. Actually when the first time I ask them to let me join they refused me immediately and going to call some cops to escort me. But then I beg at them and said that I need the job so I can buy some food for me and my mommy. I even knelt in front of them and give them my best teary eyes.

They finally agreed and usually gave me so much food that I can even store it for dinner and breakfast.

As for where I live, I stay at Dagobah beach, yeah the beach that was full of trashes. It's a good place for my small self to hide and build a little house in the pile of junk where no one can see it.

"Uzi! It's your end of shift" I put my white apron on the serving table and run with my small feet to the back.

"This your food for tonight, say hello to your mommy okay" the supervisor brother gave me a usual plastic bag with a ack of food that was enough for tonight and tomorrow morning.

"Thank you big brother. Bye bye" I wave to the man and left the place immediately.

I walk through the street while humming my favourite lullaby. Today is my birthday and I'm going to be five this day.

I still have a bit money from my hacking job. Now that I say it I also work as a hacker for heroes and villain. I won't be biased to anyone, but if any of the side offers more money I'll take it immediately.

I went to some cat cafe and went to my favourite table. "Hello Uzi, as usual?" The waiter sister approached me while holding her notes.

"Nope today is special so please give some special menu sister" I look at her and give her my big toothy smile.

"Is it your birthday? Oh my don't worry it's on the house for you. Now wait here while I prepare your special dish." She walk back to the back and prepared my food.


I glance under my foot and an orange rag-doll breed was looking at me in the eyes "hello ori come" the orange cat jump onto my lap and lay there comfortably.

Meow meow

The other cats in the cafe follow suit and gather around my table. I chuckled at the sight, I guess my anima quirk can attract easily them to me.

The cats sat around me there is also one kitten who jump to my head and snuggle on my messy green hair.

"Here you go Uzi. A special banana split with three scoop of ice creams and a cheery on top. A slice of strawberry ice cream cake your favourite cheese cake and a glass of ice matcha" the waiter sister place the dish in front of me "it's on the house. Dig in" and then she left with the foods and cats surrounding me.

I decided that today is the happiest day after that tragedy. I ate my cakes happily while looking at my phone that I bought last week.


Third POV

9 years later

"I need the coordinates now! over" a voice was heard from a black head phone that was staying above a greenette.

"Go to the right the target will be on your left later" The young boy said while looking at the screen in front of him.

"Well I'm leaving now. Don't forget to send the money" The greenette cut the line and look at his other screen that show a CCTV footage around his clients area.

He saw on the screen a scurry man that looks like a homeless guy appeared with two police officer behind him.

Eraserhead the pro underground hero that was actually the kid favourite.

Uzi likes Eraserhead, he thought that Eraserhead is a true hero in his heart. He doesn't look for fame and he helps people when other people are sleeping.

Tonight Eraserhead has a job to catch some drug dealer that has been wanted for a week. And today he ask a help from the famous hacker 'little rabbit'.

Well of course the little rabbit is our favourite little Izuku who goes by Uzi now. On the day Uzi was just a kid who loves to do volunteer job while in the night he is the famous hacker little rabbit.

Izuku has moved from his small house in the junk to a big house that was equipped with the best security system he build.

No one still know about his real identity and his missing case was gone cold and he was declared dead over years ago.


A notification sound appears from one of the many phone the boy have. He saw the payment notification. 1 million¥.

"Thanks for the money" Izuku said while smirking. He look at the clock that stick on the wall. 02:40. He decided that his job was done so he turn off the six screen in front of him and went back to his bed room.

"'s great that tomorrow is weekend, I was also off with my volunteer job. I guess I'll stay at home and sleep all day long" Izuku plop his body to his bed after he change into a Pyjama.

Meow Meow

Five cats appeared on his room but they saw that their human was asleep already. The five cats jump to Izuku's king size bed and lay down with him. They slept together until the sun arise.

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