Chapter 1

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'You have a visitor.'

My eyes shot open and I sat up scrunching my eyebrows at the prison officer impatiently tapping his foot in the doorway, and irritated look on his face. He rolled his eyes when I didn't respond and I smirked as I stood up, walking towards him with an air of confidence. I haven't been here long, but the news travelled fast, everyone knew who I was and what I was in here for. They were afraid. But not him. I could tell he was new, young, cocky and arrogant as his blue eye pierced into my own, glancing up and down my figure as I got closer and closer.

'You must be new.'

'I am.'

'Explains it.'

'Exaplain's what?'

'Why you aren't afraid of me like the rest of them are.' He threw his head back and laughed before bending his head towards my ear. He trailed a single finger down the side of my neck, his warm breath hitting my skin. I stood my ground, not moving a muscle as I waited patiently for his answer.

'And why would I be afraid of a whore like you.' He whispered, pulling his head back, staring hungrily at my lips. I chuckled, seeing the bulge in his pants. Typical, another man that thinks with his dick every time a new pussy is around. I knew his type. He was probably the guy that everybody wanted to know, the popular guy who thinks he could get any girl he wants with just a glance.

I leaned forwards, smirking at his failed attempt of an insult before confidently reaching my hand down to cup his balls through his trousers, giving them a hard squeeze. He sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes as I squeezed even harder, pulling his towards me. Mimicking his move from earlier, I bent my head towards his ear, letting my breath hit the side of his neck. He moaned as my bottom lip brushed the tip of his ear. I had him right where I wanted, squirming in the palm of my hand.

'Well, you should be, because I could of a man's dick once.' I let go of his balls and pulled back, watching the smug look fall from his face. With one last smirk, I brushed passed him, the electrifying silence piercing the air like a sharpened knife. I could tell my words had an impact on him as he walked beside me, leading me towards the visitation room. As if a cold bucket of cold water hit me in the face, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. Is this real? Was she really here?

'It's you' I whispered. 


I walked down the dimly lit hallway, checking behind me every few seconds. I can't believe it worked! We finally escaped! The lighter flickered and the floors created as air quickened my pace. The foul stench of weed, booze and sex lingered in the air, causing me to scrunch my nose in disgust. It wasn't the best place for a first meeting but it would have to do. No one would expect us to be hiding in a place like this.

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