21- runaway

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"do you want to run away with me,
so that no one can find us."

- runaway

hyunsuk pov

when we were in the car, it was pin drop silence until i started the engine. i looked at minha as her eyes were closed, becoming calm again unlike her hyper self from before. i combed her hair through my fingers, "i love you so much, min."

"then why are you avoiding me?" she opened her eyes.

"did you not regain your memories already?"

"yeah, and?"

i spoke softly under my breath, "and you wanted to die because of me."

"i, what?"

"you tried to commit suicide because of me."

"are you kidding me now?" she rolled her eyes.

"am i wrong? i mean i really wanted to run to you the entire time but i just couldn't. i was afraid you would remember the shit you went through when you saw me?"

"wow choi hyunsuk, you're telling me you avoided me the past few years, because you thought i committed suicide because of you?

is that not what happened? i stayed quiet.

'piak' she slapped me on the face, "why are you always thinking about yourself."

"i'm sorry..." i tried to hold her wrist but she pulled it away. 

"give me some time to sort this out," she sighed.

i started driving towards the house and the whole ride was silent. the only noise that could be heard was minha playing with the keys, making the metal clink against each other. 


once i parked the car, we went into the house. she then said, "wait for me before you sleep."

to be honest, i was scared and curious. so she didn't commit suicide because of me? and i was wrong the entire time? what the heck? i went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. i looked up at the blank ceiling and just wanted to know the truth now. 

"i told you to wait for me," minha walked into the bedroom in her pajamas. i immediately sat up as she sat on the other side of the bed. 

"so what happened?"

"okay, i don't know where to start so let's just go from the start yea," she sat up straight and i nodded as a reply.

"ok yes, first off, i didn't commit suicide."

"huh, then what?" i raised my eyebrow.

"ok, so you know when your fangirls were coming after me, and threatening me..." she looked up.

"so you wanted to die because of them?"

"can you stop interrupting," she sighed.

i just snickered a little, "i'm sorry, continue."

"yea, so they kept saying they will kill me and shit, so i just pretended and went on the ledge of the rooftop. then they got scared and ran away."

"i could never..." i said softly. minha was one of the most daring and bravest person, while im afraid of everything, even ghosts.

"then i was going to get down from the top but i just slipped. and yeah, i just fell from there."

marrying mr arrogant // choi hyunsukWhere stories live. Discover now