Will Karthik Breathe His Last? : Chapter 25

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"Surround!" Lavanya yelled and the next moment rustling sound of leaves filled the area as all the people who were wearing black clothes encircled Lavanya, Surya, Karthik, Akshara, and other few Devi Sena members. "No one will expose their identity." She ordered and everyone became aware and refrained themselves from removing the cloth which covered their faces. Lavanya's sharp eyes took a quick glance at everyone. After confirming that everyone obeyed her words, she returned her gaze to Karthik. Withdrawing the sword from Karthik's neck, she looked at him with suspicious eyes. "May I know what the royal prince Karthik is doing here in the abandoned forests of Maheswari?"

Karthik's breathing became shallow and he looked like a lost child as his eyes witnessed how disciplined Devi Sena was while Lavanya's sharp, cold voice made him shiver unconsciously. He looked at Lavanya with eyes full of admiration while the latter's brows got knitted into a 'V' shape as she was waiting patiently for an answer from the prince.

"Prince, I am asking something!" The volume of Lavanya's voice increased at the ending of the sentence while she tightened the grip on the hilt of her sword.

"I-its...I-I was j-just strolling in the g-gardens when I saw y-you escaping from the palace. It-thought that you are some s-spy and followed you." Karthik stammered but he continued without giving a chance to interrupt him. "But don't worry. I won't inform the royals about your whereabouts and this place."

"Wah! A royal is saying these words?" Surya said as if was amused by Karthik's words. "As far as I remember, the royals are searching for Devi Sena like lunatics and now a royal is saying that he won't inform the King about this place?! It really sounds strange." He said in a casual tone but each and every word showed how much he disbelieved the royals.

"I don't know about the King and my brother but I really admire Sanvika Devi and Devi Sena. Its because you all efficiently do justice to the poor but we cannot do it since we have to collect evidence and those shrewd people erase all their evidence. Even before we can catch them, Sanvika Devi already takes a step against it." Karthik tried to explain himself. "I really wanted to meet her in person but I never knew that sister-in-law is Sanvika Devi. Please believe me, I really won't ever tell them about your whereabouts." His voice sounded desperate while most of the members of Devi Sena including Akshara got convinced that Karthik wouldn't disclose their secret. But Lavanya and Surya seemed unaffected as they were looking at the Prince with cold, emotionless eyes.

"Why should I trust your words, Prince?" Lavanya asked while her eyes were looking into Karthik's, trying to find if Karthik was sincere with his words.

"Sister-in-law, I am telling the truth. You have to believe me. I am never against Devi Sena. In fact, I secretly admire you." Karthik's voice trembled while he was feeling so helpless as he was unable to make Lavanya believe in his words. "I swear on Mahadev. I am not lying." He looked at Lavanya as if those words were his last hope.

Letting out a deep sigh, Lavanya looked at Surya while the latter gently shook his head, signaling her to take more time to confirm the prince's words.

"Prince, why cannot I believe your words?" Lavanya's titled her head were her words sounded casual. "Leave it. So, you have two options for now. One is death and another one is a fight with me."

"I chose to fight with you," Karthik replied while looking intensely at Lavanya as he was still standing with both the daggers on both sides of his neck while his back was resting against the rough bark.

"Great. I expected this." A humorless chuckle left Lavanya's lips. She averted her gaze to Surya. "Free him first so that I can have combat with him."

Surya nodded and removed the daggers from each side of the prince's neck. Handing a dagger to Lavanya, he sheathed the other dagger before putting it protectively at his waistband. With an amusing smirk on her face, Lavanya put the dagger at her waist after sheathing it.

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