"You okay?" She helped me stand up.

"Just a sore back, but then I'm in my twenties, so..." I rubbed my back.


The ship wobbled into the direction away from the island. Having ourselves near the railing of the ship, Elsa and I caught the sight of the wave on the water that made the ship wobble. Its sheer size caught me curious. What could've possibly caused this?

"I told you the water just rippled! Something must've been triggered after that giant dragon hit the island and went through it!" Elsa said.

"Okay, okay! But what could've possibly caused the water to move?" I asked.

"The volcano?" Elsa raised her brow. "Anna, have you forgotten?"

My jaw dropped instantly. She was right. Probably. I shook my head in disagreement.

"Come on, the island's size is nothing compared to the dragon," I took her hand and dragged her to the busy part of the deck. However, I stopped something vibrated on the deck. To be fair, the deck was crowded with men and dragons wrestling. But this one felt particularly big, big enough to freeze everybody.

"Whoa! What is it doing?!"

"Where's that dragon man? It will listen to him!"

More and more hectic shouting sounded. Along with that, woods shattering was heard from the same direction. After a few seconds, white dorsal fins emerged from the water that were nearly as tall as the ship's masts. A face revealed itself, a gray dragon with two tusks in which one was shattered. The only lighting in the middle of the torrential rain was the fire the dragons had caused either onboard or on the ships nearby. And with the dragon's towering height, it got darker soon.

"The Bewilderbeast... I thought... Hiccup said that he'd taken care of it?" Elsa said, gripping my hand tighter while stepping backwards.

"The Bewilder what?" I asked.

Everyone spectated the Bewilderbeast, either in awe or fear, as it opened its jaw and let out an ear-bleeding roar onto the air.


I immediately knelt down and arched my back while sealing my ears as tight as I could. I found my sister doing the same next to me, and so were the other Berkians and Therondians. The roaring lasted for at least ten seconds, and our eardrums were barely keeping up with the roar.

Once the Bewilderbeast stopped, we could finally open our eyes and ears. Right away, we were taken aback by yet another surprise. The dragons were reacting by shaking violently, as if they're fighting something inside their heads.

"We need to break the focus!" Eret exclaimed. "Someone give the Bewilderbeast a good hit with a cannon or something!"

One by one, the dragons took off to the sky, leaving their fights unfinished. Right away, without our strongest allies, we inevitably had to pull back. I looked around for such object that Eret requested. There was actually a good selection of options, but all of them were surrounded by Therondians. And with the dragons not being on our side at the moment, there was zero chance of us breaking through their defense.

"Elsa, let's look around for something—" I took her hand but she pulled it away.

"No need," she lifted her hands, flurry of ice forming on them. Out of the water, giant ice pillars shot up and smacked the dragon by the chin. The hit was so hard, the dragon splashed into the water on its back. The ships that were on its way inevitably faced a bitter fate. Elsa broke down right away, collecting her energy by breathing in and out heavily, but it paid dividend as the dragons regained themselves and helped the Vikings fight against the Therondians once again.

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