c h a p t e r - 1

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I hate mornings.

I really really hate mornings.

Typically, my first thought when I wake up is, "I can't wait to go back to sleep tonight!"

It's quite sad, really.

But they especially suck when you make the stupid choice to stay up until one forty-five in the morning, trying to finish adding things to the long list of items you need to pack for your even longer flight, instead of sleeping. Like a sane person would do.

On a normal occasion, This wouldn't be a big deal because, Let's just face the facts.

I'm basically nocturnal.

But when you're forced to wake up a five twenty-five in the morning to make it on a plane to California by six thirty...It's a whole different story.

I know that if I just close my eyes now, I won't wake back up until about roughly...four in the afternoon, So I just settle for glaring at the red numbers on my alarm clock.

I'm an idiot.

But, Then again, who books a flight to California at Six freaking thirty in the morning?

My genius of a father.

But, I'm still the idiot on top.

The procrastinator on top as well...

In fact, if I hadn't procrastinated making that 'Things To Pack For California' list, I probably wouldn't be sitting in my bed right now, waiting for my alarm to go off so I can procrastinate getting out of bed to finish packing my suitcase.

But for the record, Whoever said procrastinating made anything less than sufficient, was a total liar and a complete nutcase.

As far as i'm concerned, Procrastination has led to all of my school assignments receiving passing grades, and in this case, me not forgetting anything once I leave for California in the next...Hour and a half.

You can call it a gift and a curse.

I turn my head back to the alarm clock, waiting for the neon red numbers to change and for the annoying ringing to go off.

"Do it," I mutter, glaring at the numbers. "Do it and see what happens."

I watch as the time flips from five twenty-four to five twenty-five and I groan out in annoyance, shoving my head under my pillow to block out the blaring noise.

Stupid mornings. Stupid lists. Stupid planes.

After a few more minutes of trying to ignore the alarm, I fling my arm out from above my pillow and aim for the off button, Smacking the top a few times before I successfully shut off the darn thing.

I take the pillow off my face and sit up, a headache rising up in my head from the lack of sleep. I rub my eyes and slide my legs off the side of the bed, my feet hitting the cold hardwood and sending a chilly flair through my body.

I walk over to the bathroom, that's attached to my bedroom, and flick on the light.

I stare at my reflection.

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