Clawtoothed Comeback

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Taciana: "Oh Lala. So ready for a new day."
Jackson: "Looking good, Tacci."
Taciana: "Let's go handsome. I can smell breakfast."
Jackson: "It is going to be a fruit bowl, waffles, and sausage links."
Jackson: "This is going to be delicious."
Taciana: "You can have all the sausage babe, since the others and I don't eat meat."
Jackson: "I figured."
Taciana: "You are okay with that?"
Jackson: "Of course I am, Tacci."
Taciana: "You wanna share some of the fruit with me?"
Jackson: "Sure."
Saba: "Good morning, you two!"
Taciana: "Good morning, Momma."
Jackson: "Morning, Mrs. Rabeau."
Saba: "Sausage and waffles for Jackson and a large fruit bowl for you, Taciana."
Taciana: "Thanks."
Jackson: "Looks great!"
Warrick: "Good morning. How did yesterday go, sis?"
Taciana: "Jackson and I are going to be okay."
Jackson: "No worries here, bro."
Ramona: "Good morning to all! Especially you, stud master."
Jackson: "Ramona, the bunny girl of my dreams is already next to me."
Taciana: "You tell them, sugar."
Ramona: "Whatever."
Jackson: "Not a chance."
Serena: "Excuse me? He actually cares about me more than you!"
Tawny: "I'm your dreams."
Saba: "There is no shouting allowed at the table."
Bolton: "Girls! That is enough. This young man has already made his choice and they have my blessing."
Taciana: "Really Daddy? Me and my Jacky can get married one day?"
Bolton: "Of course."
Taciana: "Jacky, will you promise to surprise me when you pop the question?"
Jackson: "I solemnly swear, my Tacci."
Taciana: "Aww. My perfect king."
Bolton: "You all better get going. It is time for school."
Hearing Mr. Rabeau, they all hurry to grab their bags and drive off to school.
..........Back in Vandori Woods..........
Salvador: "I cannot believe that idiotic task force found me! I need a new plan and fast. But how?"
He punches the cave wall of his new hideout and sets a new fire. Salvador ponders the details of the battle between his men and the Glassbec Task Force for a moment and recollects seeing a kid running up to his cabin at the corner of his eye.
Salvador: "Wait a minute, there was some kid sneaking up on my top three crew members. Of course. It must have been him who ruined my operations."
He thinks of a new plan in his head by marking the same break-in maps his associates Marino, Kumal, and Mitchell used before they were imprisoned.
Salvador: "Oh yes, there will be no way that Captain Riles will interfere this time. I might even become a rich man by nightfall. Hahahahaha!"
He grabs a pistol and jumps into an old clunker car.
Salvador: "Time to hot wire this bad boy. We are in business."
........30 minutes later........
Salvador drives into Glassbec and decides to park at the side of a gas station sitting a couple of blocks away from the main headquarters of Glassbec's Task Force.
Salvador: "Okay, time to make an entrance."
He kicks in the door and shoots all three cameras and two alarms out with no issue.
Salvador: "All right everyone, don't move and put your paws and hooves up now!"
Rabbit Store Clerk: "Please do not hurt anyone! I will give you all the money you want!"
The store clerk puts all the money from the register on the counter.
Salvador: "Oh, you see that! Someone is getting with the program. Keep it coming rabbit clerk! Now, I want every furry who is here on the floor now."
Female Deer Furry: "Okay."
Little Fawn Furry: "Momma, I am scared!"
Female Deer Furry: "It is going to be okay, Darius. Stay close."
Salvador: "Lady! Tell the kid to keep his yap shut or I will do it for him!"
Female Deer Furry: "Leave him alone, he's just a child!"
Salvador: "No one tells me what me to do! I am the one in charge here!"
Salvador bashes her head against the counter. Darius cries out and tries helping her up, but is grabbed by Salvador, holding a knife to his neck.
Salvador: "Listen kid, if you wanna survive this then you and the clerk girl here will do exactly what I say. Get the picture? Good, cause you're now a part of my plan to get some payback."
Darius: "You are mean. Why are you doing this?"
Salvador: "You call it mean. I call it settling scores, kid. Now go with the clerk and get on your knees!"
Darius: "Fine!"
Salvador: "What did you say?
Darius: "Nothing."
Salvador: "That's what I thought."
Salvador turns the lights off in the convenience store and ties up Darius and his mother while the store clerk cowers behind the register.
Afterwards, he makes a call to an old associate.
Salvador: "Hey Damon, I got a job for you."
Damon: "It has been a while since I have completed a job for you. What is the score?"
Salvador: "Just kidnap this rabbit girl from Wild Eye High School."
Damon: "Hehehe. What does she look like?"
Salvador: "Should be a slim one with brown fur and blue eyes. She should also be seen with a dhole named Jackson something or other."
Damon: "Send me a photo. She is one those rich kids, right?"
Salvador: "That is correct. We are gonna be rich after a nice hefty ransom from her family."
Damon: "Count me in."
.........40 minutes later...........
Damon: "Let's see, where would I find a dhole furry with a rabbit furry?"
Jackson: "How do proms typically go on in this new world?"
Taciana: "Jackson, are saying that you have never been to a prom?"
Jackson: "Well to be honest, I kinda just thought that it was a stale event with people dancing in some kinda trance after drinking."
Taciana: "Hehe, I used to think that when I was dating Chuvo Ramos."
Jackson: "What happened?"
Taciana: "He got drunk a lot after trying out this new form of wine called Grassy Daze."
Taciana: "We never got to dance once because he kept drinking. That is the why I dumped him."
Jackson: "Is he still an alcoholic?"
Taciana: "Not as much anymore, but he still drinks after school ends."
Jackson: "Well I hope he gets that issue under control at some point."
Taciana: "Yeah, totally."
They continue talking by Jackson's car after the other Rabeau siblings walk into the school building.
Damon creeps in closer by staying low behind the other vehicles in the parking lot. He aims his Glock-50 pistol at them both.
Damon: "Do not even think of moving an inch or I will blow your brains all over this hot rod. Capiche?"
Jackson: "We get the point man. What do you want from us?"
Damon: "I was hired to do a job, not ask questions. Keep your eyes closed while I tie you both up."
He aims his gun at Taciana's back and binds both of her paws.
Jackson: "Aim that at me you ginormous jerk."
Damon: "Killing you both would be fun, but Salvador has other plans."
Taciana: "Let us go!"
Jackson: "Don't you dare touch her!"
Damon: "Who is going to make me?"
Damon then forces them to cross the street and into his stolen car. Jackson comforts Taciana during the drive as they are taken to the captured gas station.
Jackson: "I will get us out of this. You will see once he and his so-called partner turn their backs."
Taciana: "Okay, I trust you."
Jackson: "That's the spirit."
..............20 minutes later................
Damon: "Alright, get in the store immediately!"
Jackson and Taciana are placed with other hostages by Damon.
Salvador: "It is good to see you again, partner."
Damon: "Likewise. So, what is this plan of yours, old friend?"
As the two bear furries converse about Salvador's plan outside the store; Jackson cautiously slides a piece of broken glass from one of the video cameras towards him with his left foot. He carefully cuts off his restraints and then releases Taciana from hers as well.
Rabbit Store Clerk: "What are you doing?"
Jackson: "I am going to cut us all loose and find a way out of here."
Darius: "Mister? Is my Momma going to be okay?"
Jackson: "I will make sure of it."
Taciana: "Hey, be careful!"
Jackson: "Always."
Jackson crouches and hides behind one of the aisles at the back of the store.
Salvador: "Damon? Where is the dhole?"
Damon: "He was right there by the register with restraints on his wrists."
Salvador roars and smashes the display up front and grabs his pistol.
Salvador: "Find him! Come on out, Jackson!"
Damon: "Look, all we want is the money from your girl's family! Surrender yourself or we  start executing hostages!"
Jackson throws a liquor bottle at freezer to distract them.
Salvador: "I will search over there, while you keep your eye on our four captives."
Damon: "Got it."
Jackson then stabs Salvador twice in the arm and his leg with a screwdriver he picked off the shelf. Salvador attempts to grab him while trying to reach for his gun. Jackson then kicks him in the head while he is down.
Salvador: "Gaaah! Why you little sneak!"
Jackson: "I already called the Task Force and they are on their way right now."
Salvador: "Damon! Shoot this over-confident fool!"
Damon: "Hahaha, with pleasure."
Jackson: "How about a new deal, Salvador. You and your cohort can be taken out by me and the Task Force or you can live and let all five of us go."
Salvador: "That is not much of a deal for me and my partner over there."
Jackson: "Captain Riles texted me saying that my family is very worried about me and Taciana."
Salvador: "I am not going to surrender to a teenage dhole."
Jackson sticks his third paw nail in Salvador's open cut to make him reconsider his offer. Taciana then pulls Damon's knife out of his holster and stabs him in the torso.
Salvador: "Owwww! You are freaking crazy, kid!"
Damon: "Ahhh shoot! Now you are going to pay!"
Jackson: "No!"
He runs to Taciana's aid and kicks their wounded kidnapper, causing him to fall to the ground. Then the doors burst open with Task Force members aiming at Damon, with Quentin at the lead.
Quentin: "Freeze! Stay on the ground, dirt bag!"
Damon: "I ain't going to prison!"
He lifts his paw and fires one off at Ramirez's chest.
Quentin: "Hands behind your back!"
He handcuffs Damon and hands him to Viscalli for booking. Viscalli puts in the back of the squad van and orders two Task Force members to watch him.
Viscalli: "I am assuming your friend Salvador is in here too, huh?"
Damon: "What's it to you?"
Quentin: "Are you all alright?"
Jackson: "Yes, sir."
Taciana: "The other one named Damon, he held us at gunpoint and tried to use us as ransom."
Quentin: "Okay, just wait with Ramirez and
Viscalli. I already told one of them to take you two to school."
Jackson: "What about Darius? His mother needs medical attention."
Quentin: "We already got that covered. Our medical teams have already arranged a transport for her and her child to Saint Glassbec Hospital."
Jackson: "Thank you. I am just glad it is over, Captain."
Quentin: "I think we should be the ones thanking you, son. You helped us catch the last two members of the Clawtooth Clan."
Taciana: "You truly are the Glassbec Hero."
Darius: "He knocked the bad men down!"
Taciana: "He sure did. How about we go check on your Momma, okay."
Darius: "Yeah!"
Female Deer Furry: "What happened?"
Darius: "Momma!"
Female Deer Furry: "I am still here, baby."
Darius: "The bad men tried to hurt us but Mr. Jackson stopped them."
Female Deer Furry: "That is good news, sweetie. Thank you for your help and for saving my little boy."
Jackson: "Not a problem, Miss."
Female Deer Furry: "You can call me Varia. Varia Tuppleson."
Jackson: "It's nice to meet you Ms. Tuppleson."
Varia: "Varia is fine, Jackson."
Jackson: "You know if you want to talk or grab a drink together, just give me a call."
Varia: "You like coffee?"
Jackson: "Depends on the type."
Varia: "I can make us both a cappuccino or maybe some hot chocolate."
Jackson: "Make it hot chocolate and you got a deal, Varia."
Varia: "Cool. I will see you then, Jackson Tontione."
Darius: "Why did you wink at him, Momma?"
Varia: "It is an adult thing, sweetie."
Darius: "Are you and Mr. Jackson friends now?"
Varia: "Yes, Mr. Jackson are friends."
She then carries Darius out of the store and waits for the hospital truck to pick them up.
Store Clerk: "I know I am just a part-time store clerk, but I recognize you from our school."
Jackson: "I have never seen you at school or anywhere for that matter."
Rabbit Store Clerk: "Well, my name is Daisy Sommers."
Jackson: "Call me Jackson Le Tontione or J.T for short."
Daisy: "Okay and got it. I will see you later at school, Hero of Glassbec."
Jackson: "Sure. If you wanna hang with me and my friends, then yeah."
Daisy: "Splendid!"
She goes outside to give a statement to one of the Task Force operatives.
Jackson: "Surprises around every corner."
.......25 minutes later.......
The pair are finally driven back to the school parking lot by Viscalli.
Viscalli: "Good luck, kids!"
Jackson: "I guess we should probably go to class."
Taciana: "Actually Jacky, we do not have to go in at all."
Jackson: "What do you mean?"
Taciana: "Thanks to me, we now have three days off due to our recent and life-threatening situation."
Jackson: "How did you manage that?"
Taciana: "I texted the principal about it and he let all of our teachers know as well.
Jackson: "I gotta tell you Tacci, what you did back there was very brave too."
Taciana: "Hehehe, you inspired me to fight for what is right, hun. Could you maybe teach me some of your fighting styles someday?"
Jackson: "Perhaps."
Taciana: "I would love to learn more about them. Turn on some tunes! Hehe!"
Jackson: "Rock and Roll!"
Jackson flips the radio on and as he and Taciana swiftly zoom out of the parking lot and return home.

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