The Abduction

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The party continues at the Rabeau's house with everyone having a good time and hoping nothing bad will happen until a familiar pick-up truck comes along.
Bruno: "Alright boys, you know drill."
Cyprus: "Right. We search and seize the best looking ladies for our plan to lure Jackson out."
Louie: "This will be too easy, Bruno."
Kendall: "I am only here to get Riley back after that dhole furry punched my face in."
Bruno: "Dude forget her. We are here to grab Carina, Natasha, Amber, and that lynx girl Nova, who are all at this very moment in the Rabeau household as we speak."
Kendall: "How do you know this?"
Bruno: "I rigged an automated recon drone to survey the area before we parked on the other side of block, bro. It's one of the Rabeau girl's birthday. Everyone's there for a party. I will go over this one more time because we only have a short window of time to pull this off. We sneak around the mansion and just take them by force. By the time anyone figures out what happened and who is gone, we are outta there. Any more questions?"
The crew shakes their heads as a "No" response.
Bruno: "Good, now let's go acquire our targets."
Cyprus walks out in the unaware crowd after Amber while Kendall stalks after Nova.
Bruno: "Alright, Louie, you take Natasha, and I will take Carina."
Louie: "Got it."
Bruno: "Hi Carina."
Carina: "What do you want, Bruno?"
Bruno: "That's no way to greet someone. Is it, Louie?"
Louie: "Definitely not, Bruno."
Natasha: "Let us go, you creeps!"
Louie: "Stop squirming, foxy girls."
Natasha and Carina bite their captors' arms and run outside to the back of the house where Kendall and Cyprus are waiting to knock them unconscious, using a customized anesthesia spray. The two are loaded into Bruno's truck.
Bruno: "Great job, boys. Now let's take them all back to the hideout for some entertainment."
.........One hour later..........
Taciana: "Hey Jacky, can you help me find Carina, please? I am worried something might have happened to her. It's been a long time since I've seen her."
Jackson: "Sure, anything to help."
Taciana: "Thank you."
Jackson: "Look at this. It's a ring and a patch of fur. It looks like a struggle occurred here and this fur is thick and brownish in coloration."
Taciana: "What are you saying, babe?"
Jackson: "She was kidnapped by multiple assailants."
Sophia: "It's Bruno and his crew, isn't it?"
Taciana: "He's responsible for this?"
Sophia: "Yeah, because he has a problem with not getting whatever and whomever he wants. In this case, Carina."
Jackson: "Well that can't stand; I am going out to look for them and bring her, and anyone else they took, back."
Warrick: "Hold on, my dhole brother; aren't you going to need some backup?"
Jackson: "No, I can't risk anyone here getting injured or beaten. I've got this."
Taciana: "You sure?"
Jackson: "I practiced numerous martial arts back when I was a human. Don't worry,  Taciana. I can put those fools in their place."
Taciana: "Please be careful, Jacky."
Jackson: "Always will."
Sophia: "You will find them at the abandoned cabin a few miles outside of Glassbec."
Jackson: "Okay. Hold on, Carina. Here we go, Jackson the rescue."

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