The Survivalist: Trip Preparation

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Nova: "No, please save me!"
Melody: "Sis, what's going on?"
Nova: "It's nothing, Melody. Just a messed-up nightmare."
Melody: "Do you want to talk about it?"
Nova: "Sniffle. I was back in the cabin with Bruno and his goons, but no one came for me and they just laughed at my misfortune!"
Melody: "Relax, Nova. It's over. You're safe."
Nova: "Yeah I know, I just can't get it out of my head."
Melody: "Okay, first of all, who rescued you?"
Nova: "It was Jackson. Jackson Tontione."
Melody: "You mean the cute dhole furry?"
Nova: "Yeah."
Melody: "Well there is your solution, big sister. Go find him and tell how you really feel and thank him in a way he will never forget."
Nova: "Okay, but there is just one issue."
Melody: "What's that?"
Nova: "He's dating Taciana."
Melody: "Oh well, I see how that can be problematic. Never thought you would go after a guy who is unavailable. Cheer up, sis, it's a brand-new day!"
Nova: "You are right. It is time to make the best of it. Plus, I think Jackson will love this survival outfit I created with my own two hands. I'll have to show him later."
The two head to the school bus stop, chattering all the way.
........At the Rabeau's House.........
Taciana brushes her hair long and wraps it into a bun. She hums as she gussies up for the morning. Jackson watches her from the doorway. She catches sight of him and turns around smiling.
Taciana: "Hey, hun. Do you think you can sing for me one night in our room?"
Jackson: "Why? What brought this on?"
Taciana: "I just thought it would be a nice gesture if my boyfriend could lay down some jams."
Jackson: "I can sing, Tacci, it is just I need a little practice before I do."
Taciana: "I overheard you singing once, baby cakes."
Jackson: "That was just me imagining myself on stage, but I wouldn't take that kind of life."
Taciana: "We would be even more stable than we are now. There would be fans lining up to get your autograph and me standing next to you."
Jackson: "I cannot stand the thought of losing you someone else because of my lack of giving you attention."
Taciana: "Honey, we will both get jobs in the future. Besides, we can have a duet if you want to on Saturday."
Jackson: "Okay."
Taciana: "I love you, Jacky."
Jackson: "I love you too, Tacci."
Jackson: "Your hair looks stunning as always, my sensational bunny girl."
Taciana: "Hehehe. Oh am I? Such a strong and strapping dhole."
Jackson: "Yeah."
Saba: "Kiddos! It is time for school!"
Taciana: "We are coming, Mama! Jacky, it is time to head out."
The two hold hands as they walk down the long staircase to the kitchen for some buttered toast.
Jackson: "Thank you, Mrs. Rabeau. Bye!"
Taciana: "Yeah, thanks Momma!"
Mrs. Rabeau: "Oh young love. Gets to me every time."
Ramona: "Morning, Mom."
Tawny: "Morning."
Serena: "Morning."
Warrick: "Good morning everybody!"
Mr. Rabeau: "Son, you don't have to holler it out every time before you leave the house this early. Use your inside voice. And save some of that blackberry jam for your sisters."
Warrick: "My bad, Pop."
Mr. Rabeau: "That's Dad to you."
Warrick: "Sorry, Father."
Mr. Rabeau: "Here is a celery sandwich and berry juice for school."
Warrick: "Thanks, Dad. Goodbye!"
Mrs. Rabeau: "You too, ladies. Go on. Don't be late."
The three sisters jump into the back of Warrick's truck, ready for the drive to school.
.........40 minutes later.........
Everyone arrives in time to hear the early bell ring.
Jackson: "It feels good to be right on time."
Taciana: "You could say that again."
Warrick: "Renet should be here, did you hear from her last night?"
Ramona: "Nope."
Tawny: "Nope."
Serena: "Nada."
Taciana: "Sorry, big bro."
Jackson: "Not sure if she did, man."
Warrick: "I better call her on my cell." RING, RING, "Renet, are you okay?"
Renet: "War baby, I am staying at for today."
Warrick: "What's wrong?"
Renet: "I have been feeling sick all morning."
Warrick: "Oh okay. I will bring you the all the assignments from today and we'll go over them together."
Renet: "Sounds good."
Renet hangs up the phone and sits back down worried.
Renet: "I am over 100 degrees Fahrenheit! Hope my War doesn't catch what I have when he comes by. I better rest and have some soup."
.......At the school.......
Jackson: "Relax bud, she will be alright."
Warrick: "I hope so, bro."
Jackson: "You need to stay strong for her and do anything it takes to help her through it. If it was Taciana, I would fight no matter what."
Warrick: "Thanks, man."
Everyone starts walking into the school entrance, but Taciana stops Jackson before he walks in.
Taciana: "You would fight till the end for me?"
Jackson: "You overheard that, did you?"
Taciana: "Yeah, I overheard while I was chatting with my sisters about future goals."
Jackson: "You did ask me to be your future mate, bae."
Taciana: "Let's go to class, charmer boy. Don't want to be late, do you?"
Jackson: "We are always on time, sweetheart."
Evelyn: "Hey lovebirds, mind if we all join you during lunch?"
Taciana: "Of course, everyone's welcome. Right, handsome?"
Jackson: "Absolutely."
Abby: "I'm glad to have friends like you!"
Tobias: "Abby, as much as I enjoy seeing your smile, I don't want you to over excite yourself. You'll wear yourself out."
Abby: "Sorry Toby, it's just so great be in a world where way more of us get along than not. Better now?"
Tobias: "Hehehe, so cute and giggly."
.........12:00 pm - 1:00pm..........
Yahar: "Lunches are becoming a little stale these days."
Riley: "My lunch does not taste stale to me."
Yahar: "Riley, you only grabbed organic chicken nuggets and fruit."
Riley: "Go organic, my friend."
Yahar: "Still, I just prefer a nice meaty or crunchy lunch that has not been sitting in a school fryer for too long, is all."
Evelyn: "Yahar, be thankful that we get free lunches. There are some schools in and outside of Glassbec that do not give away free lunches."
Jackson: "What other towns are there outside of Glassbec?"
Evelyn: "Well, I know there is Norbury, they have these solar panels spread all over it."
Miles: "Glassbec has some solar panels here too, just not as many."
Jackson: "You must be Miles."
Miles: "Yup, that is me. Riley invited me."
Jackson: "It's nice to meet your new friend, Riley."
Riley: "Oh of course. Hehehe, not a problem, Jackson."
Amber: "Hey everyone! I have some exciting news!"
Sophia: "What is it?"
Amber: "I'm a big sister now!"
Taciana: "Aww, is it a boy or a girl?"
Amber: "It's a little boy."
Jackson: "What's the kid's name?"
Amber: "Romello. Little Romello."
Melody: "Well, we are happy for you Amber."
Sophia: "What's up with you two?"
Nova: "My sister was just reminding me that I have a day camping trip to plan after school today."
Jackson: "Why?"
Nova: "Well, it is something that is supposed to prove how well I can survive out in the natural elements."
Ava: "Is this like one those "rite of passage" scenarios?"
Nova: "Yes, exactly. My parents say it is crucial to know survival skills in order to prepare for the unexpected while traveling."
Carina: "That doesn't sound very safe to go on alone, Nova."
Nova: "Which is why I need ask if one of you could go on this trip with me and Melody."
The table is silent for a few minutes.
Jackson: "I will go."
Rabeau Sisters: "What?"
Ramona: "You want to go on a survival trip?"
Jackson: "Sure I don't mind going, it is just to keep Nova safe while she handles the trials that lie ahead in the Accreton Forest."
Nova: "You have done thorough research on the forest, right?"
Jackson: "Well not fully, but I am sure you know the way since you have been there before."
Nova: "Hmm, I guess we are both learning with the map my parents provided me."
Jackson: "You okay with this, Tacci?"
Taciana: "I don't know, Jacky, it could be dangerous."
Jackson: "It will be fine. I have gone to survival camps at a young age. It should be piece of cake."
Taciana: "Okay, just promise me you will be extra careful, please?"
Jackson: "I promise that I will be extra cautious."
Taciana: "Good, I don't want anything bad to happen to my bae."
Abby: "You two are just so cute together, it just makes me cry a little."
Taciana: "Thank you, Abby."
Tobias: "I guess he is going with you, Nova."
Nova: "No one else volunteered, so yay! We will meet by your car after school, right?"
Jackson: "Sure."
Nova: "This is going to be fun and life changing."
.........2 hours and 48 minutes later.........
Taciana: "Okay, here is some camping supplies I bought for you at the school gift shop."
Jackson: "Making sure that I am prepared for the outdoors, huh?"
Taciana: "I know your a natural at surviving, honey, but it never hurts to have extra supplies. Oh, and here is a extended range walkie talkie in case you need to contact me or if there is an emergency."
Jackson: "Alright Tacci, I will take them and use what is necessary, okay."
Taciana: "Be safe baby!"
Jackson: "I will! Bye!"
He jumps in his car with Nova waiting on the passenger side and Melody in the back. During the drive back to their house, Nova fixes up her binoculars for a 300 percent zoom adjustment.
Nova: "Tonight, we head out to traverse the Accreton Forest as true survivalists!"
Jackson: "I won't lie Nova; this does sound really cool."
Melody: "I like the outdoors, but I am more of a picnic at home kind of girl, Nova."
Nova: "No takebacks, sister. We drive over the second we are ready for this trip. One last thing. Jackson, I want you to give me your honest opinion on my state-of-the-art survival outfit."
Jackson: "It sounds like you are ready for the outdoors!"

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