The Poem

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Taciana storms into the guest cottage, her hands on her hips.
Jackson: "What have I done?"
Taciana: You took too much risk last night. You could have been killed!"
Jackson: "I was careful!"
Taciana: "No you weren't. I watched the news this morning. There was video all over. You are a hero, but at what cost? How long before one day you don't come back to me? Sometimes I think you'd rather be everyone's hero, instead of my boyfriend."
Taciana runs off crying. Jackson follows her into the kitchen, where she's sniffling.
Warrick: "You got yourself in quite the pickle there, brother."
Jackson: "Is there a an easy way to reconcile with her and win her back?"
Warrick: "There is one way for you to cheer her up and maybe win her affection again."
Jackson: "What is it? I am up for trying anything at this point."
Warrick: "You can make a poem for her, but it can't be from your head, you have to create one from your heart."
Jackson: "Okay, I'll try that."
He heads up to his room to start thinking of an apologetic poem to give to Taciana."
............2 hours later............
Jackson: "This will no doubt get her attention. I am a genius! Plus, it is from the bottom of my heart."
He goes down into the kitchen where Taciana is crying and drinking a soda alone.
Taciana: "What do you want?"
Jackson: "Tacci, I am truly sorry for what I did. I don't expect you to forgive me, but at least hear me out with this poem I created for you. I hope you like it."
..........Beginning of the Poem..........
                   A Binding Love
"Love that binds can be a blessing,
It's great in times of abundance,
Love that binds can lead to change,
It's tough in times of conflict,
No matter where, love stands strong,
Love that binds us can never break,
For you are one who saved me from oblivion,
Love that binds can lead to a full heart,
It flows through my mind and like the sea,
One could never dream in a life without you."
..............End of the Poem.............
Taciana: "That is the most sweetest thing anyone has ever given me!"
Jackson: "I promise I won't ever hurt you like that again. I don't mean to scare you, I just want to help others. I'm not trying to be a hero, it just happens."
Taciana: "Aww, I cannot stay mad at you. I forgive you Jackson."
Jackson: "Does this mean you still want me around?"
Taciana: "Yes Jacky, I still want you around."
Taciana: "I love you, Jackson Tontione."
Jackson: "I love you too, Taciana Rabeau."
They looked into each other's eyes and held paws like the rest of their surroundings did not matter. Only the bliss of that single point in time.
Jackson: "Stereo, play us a slow song by Soul Tiger."
Device Voice: "Playing song."
They slow danced for a while; never breaking eye contact with each other.
Jackson: "Wow, your eyes really are blue as the sky. I could get hypnotized."
Taciana: "You are getting better at being romantic."
Jackson: "Not only that, but your hair looks like the one of a goddess."
Taciana: "Hehehe, this is only one of my major hairstyles."
Jackson: "Well, you are still the alluring bunny girl who saved me regardless of your hair style choices."
Taciana: "Oh Jackson."

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