The Ferocious Intervention

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A seemingly peaceful morning approaches every one of the main households in Glassbec. As dawn shapes, three shadowy figures lurk in the darkness. Kumal, Mitchell, and Marino spent hours breaking into households and kidnapping everyone Jackson knows and cares about. So far Warrick, Tobias, Yahar, Miles, Ramona, Serena, Tawny, Ava, Gulani, Riley, Pepper, Evelyn, Abby, Renet, Sophia, Carina, Natasha, Amber, Nova, Melody, Tia, and little Romello are all currently asleep from the chloroform and are about to be transported to the Clawtooth Clan's lair. Their boss Salvador calls to inform them of the hostages and their usefulness.
Salvador: "Did you three get them all?"
Marino: "Yeah boss, we caught them."
Salvador: "Good, now bring them to me."
Marino: "Roger that."
Marino: "Okay that is all of them on the list."
Mitchell: "The boss is gonna be real glad with the haul we got."
Kumal: "Then let's deliver them already. We can't spend too much time out here because the Task force starts patrolling in a couple of hours."
Mitchell: "He is right. Onward to Vandori Woods, my brethren!"
........At 6:30 am in the morning.........
Jackson: "Huh. Where is everyone? The whole house is empty."
Slowly he looks around and calls out for Taciana and her sisters with deep concern. When there is no answer, he follows the sound of a sudden scream. It's Mrs. Rabeau.
Jackson: "Where are Taciana and her sisters?"
Mr. Rabeau: "We found this letter on the front door this morning."
Jackson: "Jackson, if you ever want to see all of your friends again, meet us down by the Vandori River close to the mountainside. Salvadore of the Clawtooth Clan."
Mrs. Rabeau: "What are you thinking?"
Jackson: "I am thinking that I'm going to save your daughters and all of my friends from this so-called Clawtooth Clan tonight."
Jackson's phone rings and he picks it up.
Taciana: "Jacky?"
Jackson: "Tacci, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Taciana: "There is a bobcat furry in the guest house and he is trying to hurt me!"
Jackson: "A bobcat furry? Did you recognize him, babe?"
Taciana: "No, I couldn't tell. Please hurry!"
Jackson: "I'm coming, sweetheart! Just hold on!"
Jackson enters the guest cottage. He sees the assailant with a knife in his hand.
Assailant: "Just hold still girlie. I will make this quick."
Taciana: "Somebody help me!"
Jackson: "Hey you! Drop the knife now."
Assailant: "Fine."
Jackson: "Hiyah!"
Jackson sweeps the assailant's legs right from under him.
Taciana: "Oh Jackson. He tried to..."
Jackson: "Hey, it's okay now. I'm here."
Taciana: "Mmmwwah. I was so scared, but I'm glad you came for me, Jacky."
Jackson: "Now, it is time to question this guy about where the others are."
Assailant: "What in the world? Release me now!"
Jackson: "Here is what is going to happen, crook. You are going to tell me where the rest of my family and friends are right now!"
Assailant: "I won't tell you anything!"
Jackson then punches the assailant's stomach and takes off his mask.
Jackson: "Caldenoza?"
Caldenoza: "Yes, I am a member of the Clawtooth Clan and we are taking Glassbec
back piece by piece, starting with Wild Eye High. We're gonna turn it into our kinda town. Where we run it, and everybody does what we say."
Jackson: "Not if I stop their uprising first."
Cauldenoza: "You stole my Melody from me, so I joined up to get even and to help my crew gain true power."
Jackson: "I protected her from your senseless abuse."
Taciana: "Besides, my Jacky is always doing the right thing for others."
Jackson: "I appreciate that, Tacci."
Taciana: "You, on the other hand, are just apart a selfish pack of cowards who know nothing about respecting their fellow furries."
Caldenoza: "You just act so high and mighty because your family is rich."
Jackson: "My girlfriend's family has worked very hard to attain their wealth by maintaining their businesses in an honest manner. So yeah, you don't know anything about us at all."
Taciana: "Aww, sweetie. You can expect a big zesty reward after saving everyone."
Jackson: "I just don't want you to get hurt, babe."
Taciana: "Don't worry, honey, I will be fine. I am just going to have the staff to lock down the windows and exits after you leave."
Jackson: "First, I will have to take this lowlife to the Task Force Headquarters."
Jackson puts the tied up Cauldenoza in the back seat of the car.
Taciana: "Please be cautious, honey."
Jackson: "I shall return with everyone right behind me, Tacci."
Taciana: "You better."
Cauldenoza: "Just take me away so I can laugh about what my compatriots are currently doing to your friends."
Jackson: "Oh don't worry, you'll get your wish."
.........At the Task Force Headquarters.........
Quentin: "Morning team! What do we have on the teen furry disappearances from last night?"
Viscalli: "Captain Riles, we have no footage of the suspects because they most likely avoided the camera's on the streets."
Quentin: "We gotta have something!"
Ramirez: "Sir, someone is coming to the front door."
Quentin: "Who is it?"
Ramirez: It's a one of those high school kids with another one tied up."
Quentin: "Let's see what he wants."
An automated door opens up and Jackson pushes Cauldenoza in and introduces himself."
Jackson: "I am Jackson Tontione, and I need your help."
Quentin: "Help with what?"
Jackson: "According to this letter, the others were taken by the Clawtooth Clan to the Vandori River."
Quentin: "The Vandori River? Ramirez, wasn't that area abandoned ten years ago due to periodic rockslides?"
Ramirez: "Indeed. However, some of our scouts have observed increased Clawtooth activity in that sector."
Quentin: "Okay, radio the scouts and tell them to hold their positions."
Ramirez: "Yes, sir."
Ramirez: "Collins and Temroe, what is your status?"
Collins: "Still here, sir. Salvador's crew have already moved the hostages to his den."
Ramirez: "Alright, send us your coordinates and we will be on our way to assist."
Temroe: "You got it."
Ramirez: "Excellent, Ramirez out. Got some hot intel for you, Captain."
Quentin: "It is seven miles west of town. Grab your gear boys! We roll out in five minutes!"
The whole building rushes to the armory with regular guns, non-lethal tranq guns, and batons.
Jackson: "What about this guy?"
Quentin: "Viscilli!"
Viscilli: "Yes, sir?"
Quentin: "Toss Cauldenoza into a six by eight prison cell. I'll question him after we capture Salvador and his other associates."
Jackson: "Can I come too?"
Quentin: "No way, kid. This a task force operation and you might get yourself hurt."
Jackson: "You don't understand. The letter said if I don't show up then they'll execute my friends. You have to take me with you to help."
Quentin: "Fine you can come, but that doesn't mean your using any guns."
Jackson: "Can I at least have a stun baton?"
Quentin: "Permission granted."
He places a stun baton in his paws.
Jackson: "Thanks."
Quentin then jumps in his SUV and turns on the high pitched alarm up top and signals the others to rev up their engines.
Jackson: "This is so awesome!"
Quentin: "Viscilli, get the troops rolling!"
Viscilli: "On it, sir! Roll out people!"
The whole Task Force, along with Jackson their protégé, drive into the Vandori Woods and set up a perimeter at a safe distance.
Quentin: "Everyone, Temroe and Collins should be holed up nearby. Ramirez, scout ahead and report what you find. Understood?"
Ramirez: "I understand Captain."
Ramirez goes off with tranquilizer gun in hand and crouches down by the river bank to spy on on the enemy.
Ramirez: "Captain Riles, I have a visual of four guards by Salvador's cabin and I can see where they are holding the hostages."
Quentin: "Good."
Quentin: "Team one, get into position for the attack."
Jackson: "I am coming too."
Quentin: "I don't think that is a good idea, kid."
Jackson: "What? But you said I could help."
Quentin: "You did help us by locating where your friends are."
Jackson: "I can handle myself in a fight, sir."
Quentin: "There is no talking you out of this, is there?"
Jackson: "I have family in there too, and I will not just stand idly by knowing they need my help."
Quentin: "Alright, you can come. However, you are sticking with me."
Jackson: "Deal."
Salvador: "Move the prisoners inside my cabin, boys."
Mitchell: "Yes, sir."
Marino: "Sure thing, boss man."
Ramona: "You don't have to do this. There is a better way to live your life."
Mitchell: "Quiet. We are going to make a crap ton of money off of you and your friends."
Warrick: "Hey! Hey! Point that at me and see what happens!"
Mitchell fires the pistol at the ground.
Mitchell: "You better keep your yap shut before I blow it off."
Kumal: "Mitchell, come on man there is no need for torture or hurting anyone."
Mitchell: "Kumal, this is how the crew has done things. We take the girls as future mates and use them as leverage if they don't agree."
Kumal: "I'm just saying that-"
Marino: "Kumal, are you with us or against us?"
Kumal: "I am with you one hundred percent."
Marino: "Good, now guard them while I call up the rest of the clan to prepare the ritual."
Salvador leaves the cabin and summons every other member of the clan to a meeting spot down by the river. Over one hundred members, which include bear, wolf, coyote, fox, badger, wolverine, and weasel furries, wait for their leader.
Salvador: "Clawtooth Clan, tonight we shall spark the revolution against the local Glassbec government and tear down the oppressive establishments that have robbed us our original way of life! We will take back what is ours. We will rule our way. However, to expand our collective we shall require numerous mates and muscle to satisfy our rise power!"
Clawtooth Clan Members: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
One of the crowd spots Scout Collins and starts firing at him.
Collins: "Captain they are on to us! Start the assault."
Quentin: "You heard him, men. Attack!"
The bullets and tranquilizer darts start flying as blows begin on both sides of the battle between the GTF and CTC. Meanwhile, Kumal was suddenly starting to think about his life decisions and that he should reconsider his position.
Tobias: "I saw the look on your face when they said you wanted things to be different here."
Kumal: "You do not know anything about me and we are not similar!"
Tawny: "Come on dude, we can see it all over your face."
Serena: "Just let us go and we will show you a way to a better life."
Kumal: "You are just trying to rattle my chain with false promises, aren't you?"
Abby: "We are not trying to trick you, Kumal."
Evelyn: "Come on, listen to them. Try to think this through for yourself and not what this group of psychos tells you."
Yahar: "Come on man, we are trying to be reasonable here."
Mitchell and Marino head over and move Tia and Romello into the cabin for later use.
Amber: "Romello!"
Sophia: "Tia!"
Tia: "Sophie!"
Amber: "You monsters!"
Riley: "Jackson will save us, right?"
Miles: "We are gonna have fight too if we intend to escape."
Nova: "I hope we will."
Suddenly a tranquilizer dart hits Kumal's backside and he collapses.
Ava: "Wait, what was that?"
Carina: "Oh my goodness, it is Jackson!"
Jackson: "Hey guys, are you all okay?"
Pepper: "Much better now that you are here."
Gulani: "You need to cut off our restraints and save Tia and Romello."
Jackson: "Where are they?"
Natasha: "One of them moved Tia and Romello into the cabin."
Jackson: "For what purpose?"
Natasha: "I am not sure."
Sophia: "Please save them, Jackson."
Jackson: "I will as soon I free you all.
..........In Salvador's cabin.........
Tia: "You big meanies! You can't do this!"
Mitchell: "Keep it down you little brat, don't make me shoot you or the little whiner over there." (aims his pistol at Romello)
Tia: "No, please don't!"
Mitchell: "Boo hoo, who is going to stop me?"
Jackson swiftly electrocutes him with his stun baton and checks his pulse to make sure he is still alive.
Jackson: "Phew, all good."
Tia: "Jackson, you saved us!"
Jackson: "Glad you are okay, kiddo. Where is Romello?"
Suddenly Marino comes out of nowhere and grabs Tia, holding her at gunpoint.
Marino: "Put down the kid or the runt here gets it! Put your paws up right now!"
Jackson: "Unbelievable. We can settle this peacefully."
Marino: "After what you did to Kumal and Mitchell? I don't think so. This isn't a time for negotiation, only action!"
Jackson throws his stun baton at Marino's head and Tia runs out of the cabin back to Sophie. Jackson and Marino throw each other against the wall and exchange body blows. Jackson hits an old wound on Marino's stomach, which opens and bleeds.
Marino: "Ahhhh!"
Jackson finally knocks him unconscious with no problem. He walks outside and finds everyone all recovering from the trauma of this unfortunate event. Ava hugs him first before anyone else.
Jackson: "That was rough. But at least you all are safe."
Ava: "You are number one in my book!"
Jackson: "Thanks, Ava."
Sophia: "Oh Tia, I'm so glad you're okay."
Tia: "Jackson is my hero."
Sophia: "Well he is my hero too."
Jackson: "Not a problem."
Amber: "Where is Romello?"
Jackson: "Don't worry Amber, I will get him."
Jackson picks him up from the cabin and hands him over to Amber.
Amber: "My sweet little brother! Are you alright?"
Everyone joined in for a group hug after  Captain Riles went up the hill to tell them that the fight was over and the last of the CTC surrendered.
Quentin: "Let's bring you all home. Ramirez!Call the coroner for the bodies. We will have a funeral for some of our fallen brothers."
Ramirez: "Yes sir."
Collins and Temroe walk up to Quentin saying that they have the all the remaining members of the CTC in handcuffs except for Salvador.
Quentin: "Salvador vanished without a trace again?"
Temroe: "I am afraid so, sir."
Quentin: "Dang it. Okay we will continue the search for him tomorrow, but for now we are going back to headquarters."
Jackson: "Come on guys, it has been a long day and I am famished."
Melody: "You are not the only one."
Natasha: "Such a terrifying intervention."
Quentin and his team then drove Jackson and his friends back to Glassbec while the transport teams take the suspects to prison.

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