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The very next morning Jackson opens his eyes up to the sun's rays beaming down on his eyes through the window. Jackson's new smartphone phone rings with Taciana's photo on the screen.
Jackson: "Hey, Tacci!"
Taciana: "Morning, handsome. I woke up early and wondered how the studying went."
Jackson: "I think she understands everything for her quiz."
Taciana: "Well, thanks for teaching her, I really appreciate you helping one of my best friends."
Jackson: "Not a problem, sweetheart."
Taciana: "Now come on to the house. I have a surprise for you."
Jackson: "Okay, I look forward to it. I'll see you there."
A short time later, Jackson enters the kitchen door of the main house.
Jackson: "Taciana?"
Taciana: "Up here Jackson!"
Jackson walks upstairs to her room and sees that she's in her swimsuit posing.
Taciana: "Oh my! What happened to you, Jacky?"
Jackson: "Your best friend showed me the way to the mountain where the spirits lit up the night."
Taciana: "You mean it' is actually true?"
Jackson: "Yes."
Taciana: "That is incredible Jacky! I seriously like new you."
Jackson: "You mean you are not freaked out by my appearance?"
Taciana: "No, of course not. I like you for who you are and not just for your dashing appearance."
Jackson: "Wow, thanks. You really are one of a kind, Taciana Rabeau."
Taciana: "What kind of furry are you anyways?"
Jackson: "I am a dashing dhole baby."
Taciana: "So you are an attractive canine, huh?"
Ramona: "This is unbelievable. Those two could wake up a city! They are so loud! I should be the one in there with him. Not her!"
Ramona walks to Taciana's room and slowly creaks the door open, revealing her sister and Jackson, now a furry, looking at a computer. She closes the door and knocks on it loudly. Taciana tries to ignore her sister but realizes that Ramona will never cease until she has gotten what she wanted.
Jackson: "Should we ignore her?"
Taciana: "No, Jacky. We cannot just ignore her. I will take care of it. Ramona, I am coming! Sheesh! What is it?"
Mrs. Rabeau: "Girls! There is no yelling allowed in this household. You two need to learn about getting along."
Ramona: "But Momma, she won't share Jackson with me."
Taciana: "My Jacky is not a toy. He's a living individual who deserves only one love in his life."
Ramona: "Huh, and you think that is you? Dream on sister!"
Taciana: "Well yeah. I am the one who saved him."
Ramona: "Serena, Tawny, and I saw him too."
Taciana: "Oh please, you three are just out to take him away for yourselves. I have actually been getting to know the real him during lunch time at school."
Ramona: "Hmph, we will see who gets him one day, sister! You'll see!"
Warrick: "Hey, could you keep it down, Ramona?"
Ramona: "No! I'm in my room. Alone."
Warrick: "Ramona? Are you okay? I hear you sniffling."
Ramona: "Just go away."
Warrick: "Look, you won't get Jackson at all with the way you're acting. And I'm pretty sure he's picked Taciana."
Ramona: "But I love him so much!"
Warrick: "Sis, you could find someone else."
Ramona: "I don't want someone else. I want Jackson!"
Warrick: "Not gonna happen, sis. Look, I'll see you later, okay? Renet's waiting for me."
.............3 hours later.............
Woman: "Welcome child. How may I be of service?"
Ramona: "Good afternoon. Ms Velder, right?"
Woman: "Velderman."
Ramona: "Got it. I am here to see who I am destined to be with."
Dorian Velderman: "Hold out the palm of your paw and touch the sacred orb."
Ramona: "Okay."
Dorian Velderman: "Ooooom."
Ramona: "Is there anything?"
Dorian: "Shush. Have patience, child. Your special someone is a furry unlike any other."
Ramona: "Really?"
Dorian: "Yes. He is strong and highly intelligent."
Ramona: "Yay! What genus of furry is he?"
Dorian: "He is of the canine genus."
Ramona: "Yes! I knew it!"
Dorian: "However, unless you can change his mind, he will never acknowledge your feelings. That is all the orb can show."
Ramona: "Is this session free?"
Dorian: "Nope."
Ramona: "How much?"
Dorian: "Five dollars."
Ramona: "Oh okay. Thank you for the insight Ms. Velderman."
Dorian: "Anytime."
Ramona: "Now I know exactly what to do to win my Jackson's heart."

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